1. tribalism - the behavior and attitudes that stem from strong loyalty to one's own tribe or social group. "a society motivated by cultural tribalism"
1.1. one McWorld tied together by technology, ecology, communications, and commerce.
1.2. fast vs. slow
1.3. the forces of Jihad and the forces of McWorld operate with equal strength in opposite directions, the one driven by parochial hatreds, the other by universalizing markets.
2. Jihad
2.1. Positives
2.1.1. Jihad delivers a different set of virtues: a vibrant local identity, a sense of community, solidarity among kinsmen, neighbors, and countrymen, narrowly conceived. ...Solidarity is secured through war against outsiders. And solidarity often means obedience to a hierarchy in governance, fanaticism in beliefs, and the obliteration of individual selves in the name of the group.
2.2. “retribalization of large swaths by war and bloodshed” (8-9), “culture is pitted against culture, people against people, tribe against tribe,” (9-10), “narrowly conceived faiths against interdependence” and against “artificial social cooperation and civic mutuality” (11-12), causing the planet to fall “precipitantly apart” (18), parochial hatreds (21)
3. McWorld
3.1. Positives
3.1.1. McWorld does manage to look pretty seductive in a world obsessed with Jihad. It delivers peace, prosperity, and relative unity—if at the cost of independence, community, and identity (which is generally based on difference).
3.2. “borne in on us” (12), “onrush of economic and ecological forces that demand integration and uniformity” (13-14), forces that “mesmerize” (14), “fast music, fast computers, fast food...MTV, Macintosh, McDonalds” (14-15), “commercially homogenous global network” (16), “tied together by technology, ecology, communications, and commerce” (17-18), world is coming “reluctantly together” (18), “universalizing markets” (21
4. Similarities
4.1. driven
4.2. agents to support the ideology
4.2.1. can rationalize why their ideology is bettah
4.3. relationship between democracy
4.3.1. tribal democracy is religious ideology provides freedom
4.3.2. social democracy social freedom