What I have learnt

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What I have learnt by Mind Map: What I have learnt

1. The difficulties involved when taking a hand-held shot as the camera is very shaky and it's hard to maintain steadiness - we used this when outside and taking fast pans of people to give a sense of distortion.

2. The skill required to get the framing of each shot right as we wanted the party to seem busy and realistic and so the framing had to be tight. It was also difficult to get the framing spot on as we had lighting equipment dotted around the room and so we had to be careful not to get this in the shot.

3. How to assemble equipment such as; setting up the tripod stand and then attaching the camera and mic; and setting up the lighting (making use of spot lights and flood lights).

4. How to successfully edit a sequence using Premiere Pro and utilising the different effects such as; dissolves of video and audio; ghosting to make Lola appear drunk; and slow motion to put the focus on Lola.