1. Chapter 18 Assessments
1.1. Section 1 Assessment
1.1.1. 1a: Name four factors that affect temperature.
1.1.2. 1b: How does temperature vary in Earth's temperature zones?
1.1.3. 1c: Two locations are at the same latitude in the temperate zone. One is in the middle of a continent. The other is on a coast affected by a warm ocean current. How will the climates differ?
1.1.4. 2a: List three factors that affect precipitation
1.1.5. 2b: How do prevailing winds affect the amount of precipitation an area receives?
1.1.6. 2c: How does a mountain range in the path of prevailing winds affect precipitation on either side of the mountains?
1.1.7. 3a: What causes seasons
1.1.8. 3b: Describe how the seasons are related to Earth's orbit around the sun.
1.1.9. 3c: How might Earth's climates be different if Earth were not tilted on its axis?
1.2. Section 2 Assessment
1.2.1. 1a: What two major factors are used to classify climates?
1.2.2. 1b: What factor did Köppen use in classifying climates?
1.2.3. 2a: What are the six main climate regions?
1.2.4. 2b: How is a tropical wet climate similar to a tropical wet-and-dry climate? How are they different?
1.2.5. 2c: In what climate region would you find plains covered with short grasses and small bushes? Explain.
1.2.6. 2d: Why do marine west coast climates have abundant precipitation?
1.2.7. 2e: Which place would you have more severe winters-central Russia or the west coast of France? Why?
1.2.8. 2f: Place the following climates in order from coldest to warmest: See answer for order.
1.2.9. 2g: How could a forest grow on a mountain that is surrounded by a desert?
1.3. Section 3 Assessment
1.3.1. 1a: What principle do scientists follow in studying ancient climates?
1.3.2. 1b: What types of evidence do scientists gather to study changes in climate?
1.3.3. 1c: Suppose that you are a scientist studying tree rings in a cross-section of an ancient tree. What could several narrow tree rings in a row tell you about the climate when those rings were formed?
1.3.4. 2a: What is a glacier?
1.3.5. 2b: What occurs during an ice age?
1.3.6. 2c: Compare the climate today with it during an ice age.
1.3.7. 3a: What are the five factors that are responsible for Earth's changing climate?
1.3.8. 3b: Briefly discuss the 5 factors that could cause climate change and summarize how it may cause the climate to change.
1.4. Section 4 Assessment
1.4.1. 1a: What are two events that can cause short-term climate change?
1.4.2. 1b: Describe the changes that occur in the Pacific ocean and the atmosphere above it during El Niño.
1.4.3. 1c: What effect does El Niño have on weather and climate?
1.4.4. 2a: What is global warming?
1.4.5. 2b: How do scientists think that increased carbon dioxide levels contributed to global warming?
2. Symptoms
2.1. Melting Ice that produces rising sea levels
2.2. Heavy Rainfall throughout many places in the world
2.3. Extreme Drought
2.3.1. With more fires
2.4. Ecosystems are changing
2.5. Hurricanes
2.6. Rise in Temperature
2.7. Carbon Dioxide acidifies the water harming corals and shelled organisms
2.8. Decline in Crop Productivity
2.8.1. Wars due to poverty
2.8.2. People are especially struggling in central Africa and other places near the equator
3. Human-made Sources
3.1. Power Stations
3.2. Industrial Processes
3.3. Transportation Fuels
3.4. Agriculture
3.5. Fossil Fuel retrieval, processing and distribution
3.6. Residential and Commercial
3.7. Land Use and Biomass Burning
3.8. Waste Disposal and Treatment
4. Causes (Greenhouse Effect)
4.1. Greenhouse Gasses
4.1.1. Carbon Dioxide From the Combustion of Fossil Fuels Deforestation
4.1.2. Methane Coal Mining Landfills Agriculture-particularly through the digestive processes of beef and milk cows
4.1.3. Nitrous Oxide Cars Fossil Fuels used for heat and electricity Agriculture Water Vapor
4.2. Chloroflourocarbons
4.2.1. What produces chlorofluorocarbons?
5. Individuals and Families
5.1. Heating and Cooling
5.1.1. How my family could help...
5.2. Conserve Hot Water
5.2.1. How my family could help...
5.3. Drive Less and More Efficiently
5.3.1. How my family could help...
5.4. Conserve Electricity
5.4.1. How my family could help...
5.5. Eat less meat (especially red meat)
5.5.1. Why would this help?
5.6. Buy Local
5.6.1. Why would this help?
5.7. Buy Products that Waste Less Energy
5.7.1. Do you see examples of friends or family members making poor choices? Are they buying products that waste energy? What products are they buying, and what could they buy instead?
5.8. Reduce, Reuse Recycle
5.8.1. Why would this help?
5.9. Grow your own food and utilize a compost pile for you garden
5.9.1. Why would this help?
6. Cures/Treatments
6.1. Scientific
6.1.1. Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) Bio-energy with carbon capture & storage Biochar Enhanced weathering Direct air capture blob Increase Phytoplankton Biomass
6.1.2. Saving Planet Earth Stop Climate Change - National Geographic HD -Documentary films 2015
6.1.3. Blocking the Sunlight Tiny mirrors in space Cloud Whitening Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
6.2. Political (Laws and Regulations)
6.2.1. Why are some climate laws ineffective? Why are laws needed for climate change?
7. Evidences
7.1. Ice Cores
7.1.1. CO2 and Temperature