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Bengal Tiger by Mind Map: Bengal Tiger

1. Status

1.1. Endangered

1.2. Less than 2000 left in the world

2. Habitat

2.1. India

2.1.1. Its the national animal

2.2. Bangladesh

2.2.1. Its the national animal

2.3. Nepal

2.4. Bhutan

3. Reproduction

3.1. Gestational period of 104-106 days

3.2. Females mature at 3-4 years of age

3.3. A tigress comes into "heat" at intervals of about 3–9 weeks, and is receptive for 3–6 days

3.4. Males mature at the age of 4-5 years

3.5. Mating can happen at anytime

3.5.1. Mainly happens beetween april and november

3.6. Bengal tigers have liters of 2-6

4. Characteristics

4.1. Latin name

4.1.1. Panthera tigris tigris

4.2. Males are 221.2 kg

4.3. Females are 139.7 kg

4.4. The tail is 85–110 cm long

4.5. Their height is 90–110 cm at the shoulders

4.6. They are much like Siberian tiger

4.7. The Bengal tiger's roar can be heard for up to 3 kilometers (1.9 miles) away

4.8. Bengal tigers live alone

4.9. Bengal tigers mark their territory by urinating

4.10. Tigers use their distinctive coats as camouflage (no two have exactly the same stripes).

5. Bengal Tiger Facts

5.1. Bengal tiger records

5.1.1. The heaviest bengal tiger weighed 388.7 kg

5.1.2. the biggest bengal tiger Body length of 221cm 150 cm of chest girth Shoulder height of 109 cm and a tail of just 81 cm weighed 272kg

5.2. Their fur color also comes in white

5.3. The size of male tiger can be as big as 3 meters

5.4. Female can be up to 2.7 meter long

5.5. it is the biggest member of the cat family

5.6. All five species of tigers are endangered

6. Lifecycle

6.1. Cubs weigh 700-1200g at birth

6.2. Their milk teeth grow out 2-3 weeks after birth

6.3. 12-18 months after they get their milk teeth they get dentition teeth

6.4. They start eating solid foods at the age of 6-8 months

6.5. At the age of 5-6 months the cubs follow their mother around so that they can learn how to hunt

6.6. After 2-3 years the adult tigers move to their own territtory

6.7. When the pack has completely split up the mother comes into "heat" again

6.8. The average life span of a Bengal tiger is 8-10 years

7. Bibliography

7.1. Wikipedia










8. Action Plan

8.1. India

8.1.1. Has made 11 47,000 acre protection areas

8.1.2. New plan to conserve the bengal tiger Has spent 13 million rupees (300000$)

8.1.3. Has launched anti-poaching force

8.2. Nepal

8.2.1. Has made 11 47,000 acre protection areas

8.2.2. Aims to double the population

8.3. Bangladesh

8.3.1. Thay are working against poachers

8.4. What we can do

8.4.1. Adopt a bengal tiger

8.4.2. Donate you can donate to

8.4.3. Create awareness about conservation

9. Human Interaction

9.1. Pros

9.1.1. Humans are raising funds to protect the Bengal Tigers

9.1.2. Making conservation areas

9.2. Cons

9.2.1. Humans are poaching the bengal tigers

9.2.2. farmers are killing the bengal tiger for revenge because they ate their livestock

10. Cause of Endangerment

10.1. Mainly poaching for their skin

10.2. Use of bones in chinese medicine

10.3. Urbanization

10.4. Revenge

10.4.1. By farmers

10.5. Climate change

11. Threats

11.1. People

11.2. Global Warming

12. Map

12.1. Range

13. Biome

13.1. Forests

13.1.1. Deciduous forests

13.1.2. Coniferous forests

13.1.3. Tropical rain forests

13.2. Grasslands

13.2.1. Temperate grasslands

13.2.2. Tropical savannas

14. Diet

14.1. Pigs

14.2. Deers

14.3. Antiloptes

14.4. Buffalos

14.5. A hungry bengal tiger can eat up to 60 pounds of meat in one night