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Time clauses by Mind Map: Time clauses

1. Link with Past

1.1. since

1.1.1. I have worked in IBM since 1999.

1.2. for

1.2.1. I have worked in Microsoft for 4 years.

1.3. over

1.3.1. Over the last four years, I have learned a lot about ICT.

2. Before Now

2.1. already

2.1.1. I have already signed my contract.

2.2. just

2.2.1. I have just installed new program

3. exercise

4. Interrupted

4.1. when

4.1.1. When I was doing my homework, my program crashed.

4.2. as

4.2.1. As I was doing my homework, my program crashed.

5. Same time

5.1. while

5.1.1. While I was writing a program, Marko was reading.

5.2. as

5.2.1. As I was writing a program, Marko was reading.

6. Sequence

6.1. before

6.1.1. I made backup before my system crashed.

6.2. after

6.2.1. I started to play a game after i had bought it.

6.3. as soon as

6.3.1. I will reply to you as soon as i receive email.

7. Period before

7.1. until

7.1.1. I waited until the meeting started.