1. Causes
1.1. Contact-induced charge separation
1.1.1. example, a balloon rubbed against the hair becomes negatively charged; when near a wall, the charged balloon is attracted to positively charged particles in the wall, and can "cling" to it, appearing to be suspended against gravity
1.2. Heat-induced charge sepration
1.2.1. Heating generates a separation of charge in the atoms or molecules of certain materials,thus causing static
1.3. Charge-induced charge seperation
1.3.1. A charged object brought close to an electrically neutral object causes a separation of charge within the conductor,example,the Van de Graaf Generator
1.4. Pressure-induced charge seperation
1.4.1. The mechanical method of processing static charge in crystal molecules
2. Prevention
2.1. Attach a ground wire
2.1.1. Why? The earth is a sea of electrons which neatralizes all static charges,except very strong charges,example,lightning
3. Definition
3.1. It is the build up of electric charge on the surface of an object.
4. Produces
4.1.1. how? It occurs as dark clouds contain many negative electron and since the ground,Earth,contains may positive electron,a lightning of negative elctrons strike on the ground surface to be neutralized