by cielo gomez
1. - You should determine if you recognize the authors
2. - You have to see if the Web site has standards for accepting the research studies and reporting them,
3. -You should see if it is a study reported in an online journal with a peer review board.
4. - Ask a faculty member in your graduate program if he or she feels that the article is sufficient to be included in your literature review.
5. Ways to determine the credibility of the material.
6.1. Inside the review there are different theories or thoughts of doctors, philosophers, and academics.
6.2. When you read give to the reader a different perspective that he or she has.
6.3. The idea of a literature research is recolect information of a specific topic.
6.4. It is necessary to point out that the sources are important because help them to give more arguments about something.
6.5. It tries to clarify and exanplain the issues.
6.6. the idea of this literature is meet a conclusion.
6.7. It explains the background of a topic.
6.8. It determines credibility.
6.9. It is necessary to read authors who are recognized and you have to know if they are credible or not.
6.10. You need to know some key words of the things that you want to share to find the information easier.
6.11. The literature review must be relevant in a few words it is something that is necessary that you are clear and concise.
6.12. Be careful with the selection of the literature because everything is not supported.
6.13. you should choose quality materiales.
6.14. The citations are important to know how are you supporting your ideas thorugh the sources.
7. In conclusion, it is document that groups different information from different sources and that knowledge is concise to generate a support and seeks to reach a good conclusion.
8.1.1. Select research studies can be printed immediately from web sites.
8.1.2. Web sites can be searched easily using a search engine and keywords.
8.1.3. Web sites provide a network that researchers can contact about their topic and research problem.
8.1.4. There is easy access to material since the researcher can research any time of the day.
8.2.1. Research posted to Web sites is not reviewed for quality by "experts".
8.2.2. The research found on Web sites may have been plagiarized.
8.2.3. Research studies may be difficult to find and time-consuming to locate.
8.2.4. Web sites literature may not be organized or summarized in a useful way.