by Brianne McMullen

1. Behavior
1.1. Spend their daily time
1.1.1. Resting and inactive= 20 hours
1.1.2. Eating= 50 mins
1.1.3. Walking= 2 hours
1.2. Group Organization
1.2.1. Nomads
1.2.2. Residents
2. Diet
2.1. Carnivors
2.2. Pray is mainly large animals
2.2.1. Zebras
2.2.2. Wildebeest
2.2.3. Warthogs
2.3. Stalk their pray
3. Characteristics
3.1. Tallest of all felines
3.2. Males and females
3.2.1. Look distinctly different
3.2.2. Males have a mane
3.3. Weight
3.3.1. Males: 330-550 lbs
3.3.2. Females: 264-400 lbs
3.4. Life span
3.4.1. 20 years in captivity
3.4.2. 12 years in wild
4. Communication
4.1. Head rubbing
4.1.1. Comforting
4.1.2. Form of greeting
4.2. Roar
4.3. Social Licking
4.3.1. Mutual
4.3.2. Express Pleasure