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Virtuocity by Mind Map: Virtuocity

1. Bank Accounts

1.1. Alternatives to segregated

1.2. Ledger accounting

2. Tax Structure

2.1. Tax on retained earnings

2.2. Should company be set up as a fund

3. Marketing

3.1. SME Conferences

3.2. SME Journals/Marketing

4. Investors

4.1. How to attract

4.2. Maximum 40% equity

4.3. Fixed interest rate?

4.4. Profit Share

4.5. Bank Funding?

5. Overall Business/Economic Environment

5.1. Credit Markets (Itrax)

5.2. Bond Markets

5.3. Interest Rate policy/predictions

6. Creditors

6.1. Moody/S&P Rating

6.2. Yield on their traded bonds

6.3. History of invoice payments

6.4. PEST(LE) Analysis

7. Website

7.1. David's brother can get excellent website on the cheap

8. Hiring

8.1. Employ somebody on sales-only basis

9. Location of business

9.1. When profitable converted shophouse for office and David/Simon to reside

10. SME's

10.1. Contracts

10.2. Financials

10.2.1. Typical invoice turnaround

10.3. Business Models

10.4. Management

10.5. SWOT analysis

10.5.1. PEST(LE) Analysis