Self Portrait

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Self Portrait by Mind Map: Self Portrait

1. Emotional Intellegence

1.1. good at stress management

1.2. I push off feeling guilty until the feeling gets overwhelming and I tend to break down

1.3. I have to go out of my way to identify feelings

2. Multiple Intellegences

2.1. higher

2.2. lower

3. Assessing Thinking Skills

3.1. Analytical

3.2. Practical

4. Personality Spectrum Assessment

4.1. lower

5. O'NET

5.1. Investigative (finding out new materials or answers)

5.2. Conventional (setting routines, making procedures)

6. intrests

6.1. Photography

6.2. writing

6.3. going to the gym

7. Building excellence

7.1. Fast paced class

7.2. step by step

8. Preferred Teaching Style

8.1. visual focus

8.2. Lecture with group discussion

8.3. Small Groups

9. Study Strategies

9.1. Organized

9.2. Intrapersonal (staying to myself in quiet while I study)

9.3. Verbal-Linguistic