Revolutions of 1848

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Revolutions of 1848 by Mind Map: Revolutions of 1848

1. Revolution of Hungary

1.1. Emporer of Austria became King of Hungary

1.2. Magyar was to become the main language replacing latin and german

1.3. they had won territory back from the ottoman empire

1.4. The Magyars were the biggest individual ethnic group in hungary

1.5. A speech was given listing the demands of the Magyars for the government

2. Revolution of Austria

2.1. university students paraded through streets supporting liberal reform

2.2. many people were alienated by the use of military on civilian people

2.3. the military brought in severe restrictions on the basic rights of austrians

3. French Revolution

3.1. on January 14 a "banquet was banned

3.2. angry people attacked soldiers in the streets

3.3. during this time Louis Phillipe let his prime minister go and then left the following day

3.4. a group of socilaists declared they would take over

3.5. elections were limiting since not everyone can vote

4. German Revolution

4.1. on March 8 they decided a revision to the German Constitution was necessary

4.2. Germans want basic freedoms

4.2.1. known as "March Demands"

4.3. Rulers were reluctant to give the people what they wanted

4.4. leaders convened in Franfurt on March 31 to discuss rivisions

4.5. After a fatal street fight in Berlin the king of Prussia withdrew his soldiers

4.6. on March 22 they had a mass funeral for the 190 people killed in street fighting