Geylang Methodist Primary School

HOD IP • Define the ICT approach that you would like to take in your own subject area using the active learning process to bring about subject outcomes and 21cc? • Identify the knowledge and skills that teachers may need to develop in the subject. SSD • Identify trs’ knowledge/skills required at school level and dept level, and how ICT can be used to support acquisition and application of these knowledge/skills through PLNs and PLCs HOD ICT • Identify ICT tools and resources to su...

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Geylang Methodist Primary School by Mind Map: Geylang Methodist Primary School

1. Harness Technology for Curriculum, Assessment & Pedagogy

1.1. Design for deep learning, acquisition of 21CC and formative assessment

1.1.1. What is the role of ICT in the active learning process to bring about subject disciplinary and 21CC outcomes? Activate Learning Promote Thinking & Discussion Monitor and Provide Feedback Facilitate Demonstration of Learning

1.2. Basic awareness of tools available

2. Support Professional Learning with Technology to Nurture Collaborative & Reflective Practices

2.1. Identified knowledge and skills teachers need to have to design for active learning with technology (Refer to School Learning Log)

2.1.1. How do we tap on technology to design for differentiated professional learning and engender teachers’ ownership of learning?

2.1.2. How do we tap on technology to support teachers’ collaborative inquiry and professional discourse in learning teams?

2.1.3. How can technology be harnessed to capture the shifts in classroom practices and chronicle teachers' learning?

3. What are the digital resources and tools needed to meet varying needs of students and teachers?

3.1. Teachers

3.1.1. Junglebyte

3.1.2. AskNLearn Portal

3.1.3. Koobits

3.1.4. iMTL

3.1.5. Xuele

3.2. Students

3.2.1. touch typing

3.2.2. LMS

4. Provide leadership on technology in learning

4.1. Direction on ICT Use

4.1.1. What are the goals, subject and 21cc outcomes as defined in our school? Joyful self -directed learners knowing syllabus well

4.1.2. What is the role of the teacher? teachers to be competent users of ICT, designers of student-centric lessons leverage on others strengths

4.1.3. What is the role of students? Joyful self -directed learners

4.1.4. What is the role of technology in supporting the following interactions? student-student collaborative learning student-teacher Provide information/ feedback for child's learning student-content reinforce teacher-content student centric lessons

4.1.5. What is the role of technology to monitor and assess learning? enhance students' learning provide timely feedback for interventions

4.2. ICT-enriched Learning Environment

4.2.1. How can we design learning spaces to support student-centric pedagogies?