1. Prepare food for cooking or eating
1.1. Bake
1.1.1. to make bread, cakes etc using an oven
1.2. Blanch
1.2.1. to put fruit, nuts, or vegetables into boiling water for a short time, often in order to make it easier to remove the skin
1.3. Cube
1.3.1. to cut cheese, bread, or other food into cubes
1.4. Dish out
1.4.1. to serve food
1.5. Mash
1.5.1. to crush something, especially food
1.6. Peel
1.6.1. to remove the skin from a fruit or vegetable
1.7. Salt
1.7.1. to add salt to food
1.8. add
1.8.1. to put ingredients together; to put one ingredient with the others
1.9. chop
1.9.1. to cut into small pieces, generally used with vegetables
1.10. combine
1.10.1. to put two or more things together
2. Cooking
2.1. boil
2.1.1. To heat water until little bubbles form
2.2. fry
2.2.1. To cook by putting the food into extremely hot oil
2.3. grill
2.3.1. To cook by putting the food on a grill; similar to barbecue
2.4. roast
2.4.1. To cook in the oven or over a fire
2.5. steam
2.5.1. To cook by placing the food above boiling water
2.6. broil
2.6.1. To cook meat or vegetables on a rack with an extremely high temperature
2.7. bake
2.7.1. To cook in an oven by using heat