1. (Paper) - An improved computer vision method for detecting white blood cells
1.1. (RQ - Research Question) - still remains as an unsolved issue in medical imaging
1.1.1. (Approach) - Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm (Result) - Detection of white blood cells images has been presented
2. (Paper) - Textural Approach for Mass Abnormality Segmentation in Mammographic Images
2.1. (RQ - Research Question) due to the large variability of size, shape, and margin.
2.1.1. (Approach) - we have 2 stages 1). Applied smoothing (denoising) 2). Enchancing method to enhance breast image (Result) - The more the object is white (parameter) in mammographic image (dense), the more the confusion decreases.
3. (Paper) Smart Application for AMS using Face Recognition
3.1. (RQ - Research Question) Attendences systems of old practices are not quite efficient today for keeping track on student's attendance.
3.1.1. (Approach) - The Smart AMS Method (Result) - face recognition researchers have been developing new techniques 1). Server Client Application: Can take 2 methods besides single structure of face pattern 2). Cant use any algorithm to do face recognition
4. (Paper) - Meta Learning of Bounds on the Bayes Classifier Error
4.1. (RQ - Reseacrh Question) They estimate multiple bounds on the Bayes error using an estimator that applies meta learning to slowly converging plug-in estimators
4.1.1. (Approach) - Meta Learning Method (Result) - Applying meta learning or ensemble methods to the problem of estimating f-divergence functionals results in more accurate estimates.
5. (Paper) - Identification of Orchid Species Using Content-Based Flower Image Retrieval
5.1. (RQ - Research Question) How to Recognizing the orchid species by using the images of flower
5.1.1. (Approach) - Using MSRM (Maxiam Similarity based on Region Merging) (Result) - Validation phase 79.33%, and Accuracy 85.33%
5.1.2. (Approach) - Using HSV color feature with ignoring the V value.