The DOs of Social Media - based on the CIPR Best Practice Guidelines

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The DOs of Social Media - based on the CIPR Best Practice Guidelines by Mind Map: The DOs of Social Media - based on the CIPR Best Practice Guidelines

1. Do be transparent when updating information

1.1. Confusion of your audience by means of inconsistent messaging and branding on differing networks and platforms will turn your audience away. Think about the style, tone and audience.

2. Do be upfront about conflicts of interest

2.1. If you are writing on a blog or tweeting that you have a preferred supplier of a product or service and you are receiving payment to do so, it is etiquette to declare this interest upfront.

3. Do correct errors in a timely manner

3.1. Openly admit where you have made a mistake and put them right. The prevention of issue escalation is paramount in online crisis handling.

4. Do be respectful

4.1. When it comes to online Intellectual Property, seek the permission of the content creator before you make use of it for your own means.

5. Do add a disclaimer where appropriate

5.1. Protect yourself and your employer by declaring "Views are my own" where relevant to avoid confusion and other issues.

6. Download the FULL guidelines from CIPR

7. Do ensure consistency of brand

7.1. Confusion of your audience by means of inconsistent messaging and branding on differing networks and platforms will turn your audience away. Think about the style, tone and audience.

8. Do disclose relationships when endorsing organisations/clients/customers

8.1. Confusion of your audience by means of inconsistent messaging and branding on differing networks and platforms will turn your audience away. Think about the style, tone and audience.

9. Do be honest about who manages social channels

9.1. Think if the account is that of an individual on behalf of the company or individual. Transparency of who is generating the conversation increases trust.

10. Do outline content and workflow approval process

10.1. What processes and sign-offs do blogs, tweets and other web content go through within the company when they are created externally. Who has control to push the messages out?

11. Do engage in conversation

11.1. Interact with the relevant stakeholders to generate relevant conversation. Do not just broadcast one way if you wish to build a brand online