Kubernauts Training Plan

A public mind map of the Kubernauts training

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Kubernauts Training Plan by Mind Map: Kubernauts Training Plan

1. CNCF Exam

2. Aligned with CNCF Curriculum

3. Using available free resources

3.1. Current

3.2. Quality

3.3. Relevant

4. Certification Preparation Training

5. Certified Kubernauts Practitioner (CKP)

6. Proficient

6.1. Role Based Training

6.1.1. Developers

6.1.2. Operators

7. Expert

8. CI/CD

9. Basic Training

10. Networking

10.1. Flannel

10.2. Calico

10.3. Contiv

11. Operators

12. Novice

13. Master

13.1. Advanced Domain Specific Training

13.1.1. Service Mesh

13.1.2. Microservices Application Architectures

13.1.3. Storage

13.1.4. Security

13.1.5. Metrics

13.1.6. Logging

13.1.7. Tracing

13.1.8. Package Management Advanced Deployment Topologies

13.1.9. Performance

13.1.10. Testing

13.1.11. Federation

13.1.12. Batch Jobs

13.1.13. Machine Learning

13.1.14. Serverless

13.1.15. Databases

13.2. Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)