Edgardo's Feedback
by damian rivlin
1. Research on the internet
1.1. Lorenzo García Aretio
1.1.1. research
1.1.2. video
1.2. Tony Bates
1.2.1. personal site
1.2.2. call for papers OERs which demonstrate significant and creative ways of enhancing the learning process through effective use of OER.
1.3. Pedula Perkins
1.3.1. ?
1.4. Beatriz Fahinhol
1.4.1. ?
1.5. ojo consiguete el modelo de universidad virtual que tiene la mayor
2. la Teoria del Dialogo Didactico Mediada
2.1. Theory of Didactic Mediated Dialogue?
2.2. matches up with Laurrillards' conversational theory?
2.3. Salmon?
3. theory in course
3.1. Salmon's e-tivities model
3.2. Conversational Framework
3.2.1. Laurillards