American literature

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American literature by Mind Map: American literature

1. Study sources

1.1. Primary literature

1.1.1. Essays / Articles

1.1.2. Books

1.2. Secondary literature

1.2.1. Textbooks

1.2.2. Essays / Articles

1.2.3. Theses

1.3. Presentations / Slides

1.4. Audio / Video

1.5. Lecture notes

2. Examination material

2.1. Topic #1

2.2. Topic #2

2.3. Topic #3

3. General Information

3.1. Colonial America

3.1.1. American Puritanism

3.1.2. The colonial literature

3.2. American independence

3.2.1. American revolution and enlightenment

3.2.2. The literature of revolution and enlightenment

3.2.3. Benjamin franklin

3.3. The age of romanticism

3.3.1. The rise of American romanticism

3.3.2. Early romanticism

3.3.3. Late romanticism

3.4. The age of realism

3.4.1. The rise of realism

3.4.2. Three major novelist

3.4.3. Four novelists of naturalism

3.4.4. Writers of social criticism

3.5. The age of modernism

3.5.1. The rise of modernism Modernism New node Features of modernism Historical introduction of American modernism Modern American poetry Modern American drama

3.5.2. Modern poets

3.5.3. Modern novelists

3.6. Number of questions

3.7. Special instructions from lecturer

3.8. Grading and emphasis