Classical and operant conditioning article

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Classical and operant conditioning article af Mind Map: Classical and operant conditioning article

1. What is conditioning?

1.1. Conditioning is a type of learning that links some sort of trigger or stimulus to a human behavior or response.

2. What is classical conditioning?

2.1. This type of conditioning is associative, for example, the study of the dog that, when he heard the bell, salivated, associated the sound of the bell with the food regardless of whether he had eaten or not he salivated every time he heard the bell.

3. what is operant conditioning

3.1. In operative conditioning it refers to the fact that people can repeat the forms of behavior that entail positive consequences and less likelihood of repeating those that entail negative problems, we could say that it is a type of associative teaching.

3.1.1. Two characteristics of the operant conditioning: Reinforcement or punishment Positive or negative

3.2. operant conditioning has 4 different ways of affecting behavior

3.2.1. negative reinforcement negative punishment positive reinforcement

4. example about the classical conditioning.

4.1. For example when in a class the teacher asks a question the students try to answer but with a look that the teacher does they know if they have done it wrong and they try to correct it.

5. Example about the operant conditioning.