1. Sustainability planning
1.1. First step: Relationship building with sites; connecting sites to Medicaid leadership; developing and managing relationships with state Medicaid officials
1.1.1. CHCS plans to reach out to sites in Sept
1.2. Year 1: Lay of the land, i.e., healthcare transformation efforts at each site; what Medicaid is pursuing; what sustainability can look like at each market; produce basic concept paper with each site
2. Care management workflow
2.1. Incorporate Jeff's suggestions (see attachment)
2.2. Some sites may need to enroll high- and intermediate-risk patients to meet quota
2.3. Kamara to try interweaving organizing work with clinical model -- perhaps a schematic to facilitate communication with sites
2.4. Also overlay data collection and transmission onto clinical model when concrete
2.5. At 9/20 SC call, discuss possibly addressing "nuts and bolts" questions on the 9/24 all-hands call
3. Participants
3.1. CSHP
3.1.1. Joel Cantor
3.1.2. Margaret Koller
3.1.3. Jeanette Santoro
3.1.4. Jolene Chou
3.2. CCHP
3.2.1. Jeff Brenner
3.2.2. Ken Gross
3.2.3. Andrea Hallowell
3.3. CHCS
3.3.1. Tricia McGinnis
3.3.2. Rob Houston
3.4. PICO
3.4.1. Gordon Whitman
3.4.2. Kamara O'Connor
4. Updates
4.1. Operational Plan submitted to CMS 8/9/2012
4.1.1. First round of feedback: overall very positive
4.1.2. Will flesh out a few items and present more measurable goals
4.1.3. No problem with budget
4.1.4. Est approval date: 8/27
4.2. Care management calls with sites
4.2.1. Some staffing configuration changes. All sites very eager to follow Jeff's guidance
4.3. PICO update
4.3.1. Organizers starting to connect with community providers to give heads up
4.3.2. Organizers facilitating meetings between providers, community, and Medicaid directors about upcoming activities
4.3.3. Local HIE database building: Organizers would like to be educated about the need for data and structure to effectively advocate for and help facilitate database building
5. In-person meeting, October 4-5
5.1. Registration (Margaret and Kamara): One portal for clinical sites (non-PICO) and PICO?
5.2. Agenda and materials: Finalize by 9/24
5.2.1. Format: Maximize breakouts and report back and avoid excessive didactic Prep sites that focus will be on "soft" issues like coalition building etc.
5.2.2. Care management
5.2.3. Sustainability: Sustainability approache What sites need What analyses will be done
5.2.4. CCHP to share Cross-Site Learning Meeting agenda
6. Data development
6.1. Form a data committee, co-led by Ken and Joel:
6.1.1. Track 1: What data streams to target / acquire Reps from clinical sites Organizers
6.1.2. Track 2: what measures to track and how (infrastructure and administration) Reps from clinical sites