1. Objections
1.1. Mark 7:15
2. What to do to avoid disease
2.1. Sanitation
2.1.1. Leviticus Many bacteria can't live past 7 days
2.1.2. 83 verses in the bible about washing
2.2. Exercise
2.2.1. Genesis 3:17 Why was the ground cursed? To make us move and sweat
2.2.2. Rest
2.3. Attitude
2.3.1. Proverbs 17:22
2.3.2. Proverbs 16:24
2.3.3. James 5:15
2.3.4. Respond to Stress Appropriately
2.4. Diet
2.4.1. Satan has a plan to destroy humanity in every possible way Satanic plot or love of money; the food supply has dwindled substantially. We have eliminated variations We have added chemicals
2.4.2. Genesis 1:29
2.4.3. Genesis 9:4 Only command that was never lifted
2.4.4. Leviticus 11:10
2.4.5. Leviticus 17:1 Pay attention to these because they don't change
2.4.6. Exodus 15:26
2.4.7. Deuteronomy 7:12-15
2.5. Breath
2.6. Drink Water
3. Two different philosophies to heal the body
3.1. Creation
3.1.1. Design
3.1.2. Nutrition
3.1.3. addresses the cause
3.2. Evolution
3.2.1. Random
3.2.2. Chemical
3.2.3. Addresses the symptom
4. The Bible Diet in Chronological Order
4.1. The Genesis Diet
4.1.1. Genesis 1:29-31
4.2. Post Flood Diet
4.3. The Levitical Diet
4.4. The Babylonian Diet
4.5. Jesus' Diet
4.6. The Diet after Peter's Vision
4.6.1. Acts 10:9-19
4.6.2. Acts 10:21
4.7. The History of Diet
4.8. Today's Diet
5. Logical Line of Thinking?
5.1. Do you believe the Bible is the inerrant, infallible, inspired word of the Living God?
5.1.1. Yes Do you believe that Sin is any deviation from God's perfect and holy righteousness? Yes
5.1.2. No
5.2. Do you believe that "God saw that it was good" repeated in the story of Creation in Genesis, should be interpreted that it was complete? Finished? Done? In its final place?
5.2.1. Do you believe that sin is defined as missing the mark of God's perfect righteousness? Do you believe that our sin caused our diet to be complete now that we were allowed to eat meat? If we get to this point and we agree that the original garden of Eden diet was the complete and whole diet for humans; than anything else is a sin according to our definition of sin.
6. Living to our Capacity
6.1. The golden thread exhibited by cultures that live to be "old" age
6.1.1. Consistent Movement
6.1.2. Stop eating before they get full
6.1.3. Elders gain respect within community as they age
6.2. The Garden of Eden was a lot different
6.2.1. Structure Waters above the firmament Much more land mass Upright
6.2.2. Result Huge Lifespan
7. Who To trust?
7.1. The Bible (infallible)
7.2. Natural Order of Universe (Infallible, but must be properly interpreted by humans which is fallible)
7.3. Written History (fallible)
7.4. Known Science (fallible)
7.5. Logical Observation (fallible)
7.6. Physical Test (infallible)
8. Legalism
8.1. The false belief that the law must be upheld in some manner in order for us to "attain" salvation.
8.2. I propose that we follow the law; not for Salvation, but for God's glory
9. Resources
9.1. Read God's way to ultimate health by George Malcomus
9.2. Read What would Jesus eat by Dan Colbert
9.3. http://www.ecclesia.org/truth/health.html
9.4. Get cancer treatment chart from Alive and Well
9.5. http://www.tomorrowsworld.org/magazines/2004/march-april/bible-health-laws
9.6. http://biblicalhealth.tv/
9.7. http://biblical-health.com/
9.8. http://www.faithandhealthconnection.org/bible-scriptures-verses-on-health-wellness-updated/
9.9. http://billsardi.com/
9.10. Additional Links & Testimonials
9.10.1. American Bio-Holistic Dentistry (In Tijuana) Bio Dentistry: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjoqHLE3tHg
9.10.2. Dr. Bernardo on Alkaline importance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2i1H3WEGME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yy0kZ2LCLj4
9.10.3. Cancer Tutor's Dirt Cheap Protocol
9.10.4. Jessica - Patient: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qH0tdDu4XxY
9.10.5. John - Patient: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sskzPLBRJ2U
9.10.6. Josies brain cancer - patient: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmDvilKzxYI
9.10.7. Jahn Beckler - Dr. B patient https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlQNvT7zBlY
9.10.8. Enzyme Booster drink: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cdH7xJzr3Q
9.10.9. American Holistic Care Tijuana
9.10.10. Holistic Cancer Healing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gumdAjoDCqQ
9.10.11. Dr. Andrade who is famous for curing Max Factors kid in the 70’s.
10. Golden Circle
10.1. Why
10.1.1. We believe that the Bible is the infallible, inerrant, inspired word of The Living God. We believe that it is literally true and historically and scientifically accurate. We believe that salvation is through the grace of Christ alone and that the Bible is not a rulebook for how to get into heaven, but rather a guidebook for how to live a fulfilling and meaningful life on earth... a life dedicated to serving others.
10.1.2. We believe that God created this incredible universe and us and our incredible makeup for His glory. We believe he gave each of us unique gifts and talents that we can use today to serve others. The problem is: "It's hard to do good, if you don't feel good."
10.2. How;
10.2.1. If you follow the fundamental health principles described in the Bible; your incredible body can repair itself! Breath... etc...
10.3. What:
10.3.1. Here's another one of God's healthy verses.
11. 3 John 2
12. Why is there suffering?
12.1. 4 causes of suffering mentioned in the bible
12.1.1. Natural suffering Original Earth was very different Canopy of water above atmoshpere Oxygen Ps. 104:29 Limitations of environment and dimensions Everyone Dies
12.1.2. God's judgement God smote him with an incurable disease Acts 12:23
12.1.3. Willful Sin Ignorance Hosea 4:6 Deliberate disobedience alcohol Concerns:
12.1.4. Purifying Grace 1 Corinthians 12:9
13. Types of Vitamins
13.1. Synthetic
13.2. Natural
13.3. Live
13.3.1. What happens if you cook seeds before planting them?
13.3.2. Shackley Vitamins?
14. What to do if you have a disease
14.1. Check to see if there is a cause
14.2. Pray for God to remove it
14.2.1. 2 Corinthians 12:8-9
14.3. Have the elders pray and anoint with oil
14.4. Accept it and go on serving the Lord
14.4.1. Phil 3:1,3
15. When is it Gluttony?
16. You can take in Physical, Mental and Spiritual Toxins or Obstructions from your environment.
17. Is it sin?
17.1. Mathew 15:11
17.2. Mark 7:20
17.3. Luke 16:17
17.4. Acts 10:9-19
17.4.1. Acts 10:21
17.5. Romans 14
17.6. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
17.7. 1 Corinthians 3:16-17
17.8. 1 Corinthians 8:9-13
17.9. Alcohol
17.9.1. Proverbs 20 Proverbs 23
17.10. Let's ignore the Levitical laws and say that eating unhealthy food isn't a sin.
17.10.1. You'd still have to promote that the Original plant diet was viewed by God as good or complete
18. I am NOT focusing solely on the physical. I am proposing that we follow all of God's laws as they are in the Bible for our own good. I propose that the world as a whole has been been deceived by Satan and this false doctrine of abrogating the dietary laws has been perpetuated throughout even the Church!
18.1. Christians as an organization believe that humans have a sinful nature within our flesh even after we are saved and we will occasionally fail to follow God's commandments.
18.1.1. We are instructed to confess our sins and God is faithful and just to forgive us. We are further instructed to seek his will through, prayer and by spending time in His word for the renewal of our minds, so that we may rightly divide the word of truth. We scour His word for guidance on our behavior when it comes to tithing, fellowshipping, marriage, career decisions, finances, raising children, and more... why don't we consult the Bible about how to live to be physically well for His glory?
18.2. Even with the epidemic of suffering going on; we haven't fallen on our knees and gone back to the scripture for what His word says.
18.2.1. Has the church not been prone to self deception in the past? What makes us incorruptible?
19. My belief includes the ENTIRE word of God and fundamentally stands on the idea that God wants what is best for us.
19.1. Genesis
19.1.1. Creation and Intelligent Design of our physical body
19.2. Revelation
19.2.1. Satan's plan to kill as many humans as possible to prevent them from spreading the Gospel
20. Pharmakeia
20.1. Pharmaceuticals
20.1.1. http://zedek.us/babylon-the-great-a-must-read/mystery/pharmacia-sorcery-disguised-as-medicine/
20.2. Cannabis
20.2.1. Cannabis and Holy Oil
20.2.2. Mary Jane and the Bible
20.2.3. Jesus used cannabis?
20.2.4. sorcery mind altering
20.2.5. Hemp http://www.hempbasics.com/shop/hemp-information http://www.voteindustrialhemp.com/ http://www.forbes.com/sites/ashoka/2013/05/29/industrial-hemp-a-win-win-for-the-economy-and-the-environment/
20.3. Caffeine
20.4. Alcohol
20.4.1. https://www.gci.org/series/alcohol/bible
20.5. Illegal drugs
21. 8 Principles
21.1. The BREATH of Life
21.1.1. Ozone Resources http://www.falconblanco.com/health/ozone/oz.htm http://www.breathing.com/ http://www.o3center.org/Articles/TheStoryofOzone.html
21.1.2. The Healing Breath
21.2. Holy WATER
21.2.1. Your Bodies Many Cries for Water
21.2.2. The Hidden Messages in Water
21.3. Six parts work - 1 part REST
21.3.1. Cellular Recovery
21.3.2. 10 Ways to fall asleep faster
21.4. The LIGHT of the world
21.4.1. Sunshine
21.5. By the SWEAT of your brow
21.5.1. Movement and Exercise
21.6. EATING to glorify God
21.6.1. EatLOL
21.7. Temperance
21.8. Trust
22. Sin is a standard set by God
22.1. Our intention does not determine what is and isn't sin.
22.1.1. except in the case of sins where we know to do good and don't.