Elements in an interpretation of "Of Mice and Men"

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Elements in an interpretation of "Of Mice and Men" af Mind Map: Elements in an interpretation of "Of Mice and Men"

1. The great depression

1.1. Poverty

1.2. Unemployment

1.3. Disaster in agriculture

1.4. Okies

2. Survival of the fittest

3. Characters

3.1. Lennie

3.1.1. Soft things

3.1.2. Strength

3.1.3. Like an animal ( no super ego)

3.1.4. Like a child

3.1.5. death of

3.2. Slim

3.2.1. God-like

3.2.2. ...but what good did he do?

3.3. George

3.3.1. Reason

3.3.2. Super-ego

4. Destiny of Man

4.1. Pessimistic

4.1.1. Lonely

4.1.2. wanderers of the earth

4.1.3. Competition, aggression

4.1.4. Hierarchy

4.2. Optimism

4.2.1. Community

4.2.2. Fellowship

4.2.3. Social responsibility

4.2.4. Peace (with the land)

5. Character-relations

5.1. Hierarchy

5.2. Scapegoatism

5.3. Loneliness

5.4. Being marginalised

5.4.1. Gender

5.4.2. Race

5.4.3. Age

5.4.4. Handicap

5.5. Balance between...

5.5.1. Reason (George)

5.5.2. Appetite and power Lennie Curly's wife Curly

6. Dreams

6.1. George's dream

6.1.1. Why did it die?

6.2. The dream of Curly's wife

7. Temptations

7.1. Drinking

7.2. The brothel

7.3. The pool room

7.4. Soft things

7.5. Hollywood

7.6. Scapegoating

8. Narrative technique

8.1. Dialogue

8.2. objective point of view

8.3. third person narrator

8.4. Description