1. Technology is a Burden
1.1. Friends see it as a burden
1.1.1. should just work
1.2. He sees it as part of what has to be dealt with
1.2.1. why not just work with it
1.2.2. get back to what you want to do quickly, cheaper
1.3. Motorcycle Maintenance != car maintenance
1.3.1. lots to a car, harder to work on
1.3.2. bike is more accessible - easier to comprehend, less parts
2. Lateral truths
2.1. When an experiment goes haywire and you can't make sense of any of the data you start to look laterally
2.2. A growth or knowledge that doesn't move forward but expands sideways
2.3. Knowledge from an unexpected direction
2.3.1. A direction you didn't even know was a direction
2.4. Drifting is what one does when looking at lateral truths
2.4.1. Couldn't follow a known method because it was the methods that were messed up in the first place
3. scientific method
3.1. can't fail, only fail if didn't conclude hypothesis true or false
3.2. 2 types of logic
3.2.1. inductive observe something over and over and over where conclusions and correlations can be drawn
3.2.2. deductive based on what you know now, you hypothesize an educated guess on what could be happening
3.3. hypothesis
3.3.1. were do they come from? you come up with more and more as you try to prove one If you always come up with more as you try to prove it then you will never be able to get through every hypothesis Therefore the scientific method will never be able to prove anything kind of fact
3.3.2. scientific proof has a lifespan, they tend to get over turned eventually
3.4. science is making things less scientific
3.4.1. science proves that a rule isn't simple, it's dependent, but we can't figure out all scenarios, so lots of new uncertain rules
3.5. logic of inductive and deductive reasoning is drawn from our senses
3.5.1. so there is no proof anything exists, just that we sense things
3.5.2. Boy with 0 senses, kept alive at 18 would he have thought?
3.5.3. Time and space are also non provable with senses
3.5.4. called a priori like going to bank asking to see your money not real money, just senses of your money, and when needed it can be produced, but your money is entirely apriori
3.6. can't answer the unknown
3.6.1. helps answer what you think you know or what you might be able to do like you've done in the past
3.6.2. But the hypotheses themselves it can't help you with
3.6.3. Creativity, true thought etc has to come from where else
3.7. Scientific truths is limited to a time span
3.7.1. That time span is inversely related to the amount of scientific effort put into it
3.7.2. The number of hypotheses shortens the time span of a scientific truth
3.7.3. Thus the more scientific effort the less unchanging truth we have. Truth changes more with more scientific effort
3.7.4. We continue to go from single absolute truth to multiple indeterminate relative ones
4. chautauqua
4.1. summer camp intended to teach teachers
4.2. further education
5. methos
5.1. summation of entire train and box cars of experience
5.1.1. Locomotive of this train is the present. Box cars are past
5.1.2. box cars the past
5.1.3. There is no future, just now converting to past very quickly
5.2. Not logic, logos, in perfect form, there is no such thing
5.3. but the combination of our own logic, experience, conclusions... Beliefs (church of reason)
5.4. This is all anyone is
6. Classic vs Romantic view of reality
6.1. Classic
6.1.1. Everything is seen as underlying form
6.1.2. Facts Reason and laws These are underlying forms of thought and behavior
6.1.3. Not to inspire, but to bring order out of chaos Make the unknown, known
6.1.4. Surface ugliness Has a classical asthetic that romantics often miss Romantic sees dull awkward and ugly
6.1.5. Value is measured under the skill in which control is maintained
6.2. Romantic
6.2.1. Everything is seen as its immediate appearance
6.2.2. Intuition, feelings Inspirational, imaginative
6.2.3. Art When it is opposed to science
6.2.4. Classic sees Frivolous, eradic, irrational, untrustworthy, pleasure seeking, shallow, of no substance Parasite who cannot or will not carry their own weight A real drag on society
6.3. Analytical knife
6.3.1. Cutting through different perspectives Classic verse romantic is an example of a perspective
6.3.2. Only certain things exist in certain perspectives
6.3.3. Like a handful of sand of what's around us represents the entire world to us Then we start taking the knife to it Categorizing, ordering, sorting The pile during and after is classical view The pile in the hand is the romantic view
6.3.4. By using this knife, something is always lost Mark Twain, after mastering analytical knowledge to pilot Mississippi River, the beauty of the river was lost
6.3.5. But something is also always created Death birth continuity process
6.4. Required to find a way to have both classic and romantic without judgement, and to start to see the landscape further beyond our handful
6.4.1. We can't avoid the fact there is the person in the landscape, sorting through sand If we miss this then we don't see the landscape at all
7. Logic
7.1. Finding ways through the systems of underlying form
7.2. Inductive
7.2.1. Observations arriving at general conclusions
7.2.2. Reasoning from specific examples to General truths
7.3. Deductive
7.3.1. Start with general knowledge and predict a specific observation
7.4. Both use together to solve a complex problem is the scientific method
8. In the moment
8.1. Sides of the mountain that has life, not the top
8.1.1. But the top is what gives it sides, the top defines the sides
8.1.2. You climb the mountain in an equilibrium between restfulness and exhaustion Then when no longer thinking ahead, each foot step is no longer a means to an end, but a unique event of itself
8.1.3. Here is where things grow
9. "Ghost"
9.1. is in our head, it's made up, it's not a thing until we thought of it as a thing
9.1.1. All knowledge comes from sensory inputs, therefore we have no real idea what reality is, what substance is, only what are perceptions give us
9.1.2. There could be nothing there at all
9.1.3. Apriori knowledge is knowledge we do not sense Like time It's an intuition Use as a filter for sensory information When we blink sensory data tells us the world has disappeared but are intuition tells us not to accept that sensory information
9.2. Science is also a ghost
9.2.1. theory of gravity example it's wasn't a theory, didn't have rules or laws, until we thought of them. Otherwise it's just however life was, without a noun or a thing we invented the rules and laws of physics, they weren't things before
9.2.2. theses are also ghosts, not real until we made them real. Real because we believe them to be real
9.3. Logic is by no more rational than a ghost. It's to the degree in which we are inclined to believe them that matters.
9.3.1. But it does release the idea of anything is potentially possible. It's all in our head anyways
10. Philosophical Outcast
10.1. Has deep thoughts, that others just won't comprehend on the surface
10.1.1. not a superiority, just knows he's dfiferent
10.1.2. knows it's a problem, but he wants to have these thoughts... so?
11. Church of Reason
11.1. Body of knowledge and logic
11.1.1. often professors are a major part of the real but if being shutdown, non creative, just a teaching school professor, then they are not part of the real University
11.2. second University is
11.2.1. buildings, books, professors
11.3. accreditation
11.3.1. Church of reason mandate to speak rational truth
11.4. passion and x about something is not because it's confidently known
11.4.1. no one is screaming about how the son will come up tomorrow
11.4.2. It is doubted and thus fuels the relentless arguing and passion about it
11.5. Creativity and rhetoric hard in school because we value imitation, not creative thought
11.5.1. Seems like a problem caused by schools we give fs for copying but As for imitating what we read creativity may get an A may get an F, it's a risk
11.5.2. writing homework, paper, coming up blank wite about brick of church building, back of thumb, coin. Things without a right answer you get true, real and ALot of writing
11.5.3. What if we removed traditional grading approaches Experimented for a quarter creativity emerged and participation sky rocketed troubling conclusion though
12. What is Quality
12.1. we think we know, but we can't describe it
12.2. we can describe it in specific instances, but generically, nothing
12.2.1. synonyms, but no definition
12.3. Quality of a paper can start to be described
12.3.1. But it's a perspective, not true quality
12.4. allow the student to identify their own definition of Quality, and use that as the basis for their own writing
12.4.1. people will know it, but it's not a perfect, rational science
12.5. absence of Quality
12.5.1. no paintings or art, because blank wall is equal to art
12.5.2. No sports, no arts, food would be tasteless
12.5.3. The only things unaffected by lack of quality would be pure science, mathematics, philosophy and LOGIC Rationality would be the only one thing unchanged
12.6. substance vs method
12.6.1. it's neither individually, it's both
12.6.2. substance is end goal of method not quality definition though, because then there is no method to how it got there, it's just an object, objective, which quality is not (proven earlier)
12.6.3. method is not quality, it's the means to reach the end goal, though not quality in itself
12.7. Phederus definition
12.7.1. Quality is a characteristic of thought and statement that is recognized by a non thinking process. Because definitions are a product of rigid, formal thinking, quality can not be defined.
12.8. Objective or subjective?
12.8.1. Or both or neither?
12.8.2. Choosing one of these is an attempt to define it, and we've already discussed how it's indefinable
12.8.3. Quality is an event The point at which subject and object meet In which the subject becomes aware of the object The awareness of which both subjects and objects is made possible Quality isn't an attribute of subject and object Quality is what created the subject object event in the first place
12.8.4. It's in the past Everything we perceive is the past, even the present Reality is the moment before intellectualization takes place Right between objective reality and the subjective perception of it
12.9. Classic vs Romantic
12.9.1. Romantic quality is the present The here and now of things
12.9.2. Classical quality is to perceive the present as a passing moment between past and future Takes into account the future
12.9.3. Not two types of quality, just two time aspects of quality, short and long
12.10. Why do people see quality differently?
12.10.1. Analogy Like language subtleties Certain language speakers can't hear difference between da and the Their backgrounds, upbringing, teachings etc are different, they can't hear it (yet)
12.10.2. Not everyone has the exact same experience If two people had identical apriori analogs they would see quality identical everything) every time
12.11. Quality is the response of an organism to its environment
12.11.1. It is in which how we interpret the world and thus understand it
12.11.2. Which is to say, it's how our world is made up, to ourselves
12.11.3. Thus to try to define a thing within our world in which that thing was used to create our world, is impossible
13. Gumption
13.1. relationship between person and quality
13.1.1. Which is definition of caring
13.2. Gumption Traps
13.2.1. Events / problems that drain gumption reduce quality
13.2.2. Parts problems
13.2.3. out of sequence reassembly
13.2.4. Intermittent failure
13.2.5. Value traps value rigidity must rediscover what you do as you go must be able to discover new facts and ways forward solution monkey coconut problem
13.2.6. truth traps assumption some questions have just yes no answers Often more complicated mu answers, meaning unask the question these are still important to answer, but broaden your question
13.2.7. muscle traps mechanics feel screw tightness example
13.2.8. ego trap similar to value trap, but it's the perception that you are holding onto instead of values solution fake modesty, fake it till you make it
13.2.9. Anxiety trap fix things that don't need to be fixed make silly mistakes because you're over thinking it solution get all your anxieties on paper read every book and paper you can on the subject so sure you will do everything in wrong, you don't do anything at all
13.2.10. boredom trap take a break Turning boring tasks into a ritual Meditation is boring. But we do it for value. Awareness.