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1. Direct communication with Sol Danmeri +441 458 898 929

1.1. Sol Danmeri is happy to speak to clients directly. Rather than call himself a CEO of his company Foresight Creativity Limited, he prefers to call himself Creative Strategy Consultant. He believes that you can only help people really succeed when you have a personal relationship with them.

2. Online Mind Map Collaboration and training on how to use a Mind Map:

2.1. No more looking for lots of paper or not knowing how to put your ideas on paper. We will train you how to use Mind Maps and enable you to share your Mind Map online via the internet.

3. Personalized Project Management account:

3.1. All our clients get a Personalized Project Management account. This means there is one central place where you access all information in regards to your project. We will provide training on how to use this system, plus its very easy to use.

4. Training on Creative Thinking and how to apply it your project

4.1. We will help you use our tools and help you to create a project that is in alignment with your values.

4.2. Sol Danmeri's gift and talent is being able to discover ideas that help people to experience transformation. Sol is a natural creative thinker and he will share with you tools that you can use to help you think more creatively.

4.3. Foresight Creativity is about using leading edge technology to enable us to access our inner Genius and translating our ideas into physical manifestations.

5. Response to queries within 24 hours

5.1. We appreciate that your project is important, this is why we wish to respond to your queries via email or telephone within 24 hours.

6. Gain clarity about your project and how to move forward

6.1. Foresight Creativity is about seeing the root cause of why you wish to create your project, what you will need to create it and how you can bring your creation into manifestation.

6.2. We have created a simple and effective process that enables individuals to get really creative about their projects and come up with new ideas on creating a successful project.

6.3. Most clients use Foresight Creativity for deciding on a web design. But Foresight creativity can be applied to changing career, discovering your life purpose, planning a holiday to beginning a new health regime. Foresight creativity Consultations are designed to help clients to discover the best ideas and how to apply those ideas to their project.

7. Audio Transcription of our Our online communication.

7.1. When we communicate online you will be sent a recording of our meeting. This will enable you to not worry about taking notes or missing any information.

8. The Program

8.1. 4x 60 Minute telephone, Face to face or online consultations, spread over 4 weeks

8.2. Exercises each week to help develop creative thinking

9. Life time email support

9.1. After completing your Foresight Creativity Consultations, we are happy to offer you life time email support. So when ever you have questions about Foresight Creativity Consultations we would be happy to continue giving you support via email.

10. 90 Day Money Back Guarantee

10.1. If our service has not met your needs and has not fulfilled your requirements we offer all clients a 90 day money back guarantee, no questions asked. To this date no one has requested this.

11. Personalized service in response to clients direct needs

11.1. Each Client is treated in a unique way.

11.2. The service is tailored to clients specific needs

11.3. We create the Foresight Creativity consultations to be in alignment with where a client is at in their life.

12. Telephone Customer Service Support

12.1. If you have a question we welcome clients talking to us on the phone.

12.2. We enjoy talking to clients on the phone and from time to time like to call to ask clients how they are and if there is any way we can help them further

13. The ability to pay in installments

13.1. We offer all clients to pay for this service in instalments. £495 to be paid in 1,2,3,4 or 5 instalments, to be paid within 60 days from the time of commencing Foresight Creativity consultantions

14. PDF Report for your Project

14.1. You will get a step by step plan of what you need to implement your plan.

14.2. Mind Map of the ideas around your Project

14.3. Resource information in regards to your project