Utopia- Thomas More

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Utopia- Thomas More af Mind Map: Utopia- Thomas More

1. Christian Synthesis

1.1. The Christian aspect of the synthesis is Christ's gospel of caring for the poor, the oppressed and the downtrodden

1.2. The Platonic, Republican tradition is the Greek aspect of the synthesis

1.3. More wrote Utopia with a comedic tone, allowing him to speak his truth while telling a deeper story

2. Humor and Parody

2.1. Utopia means "nowhere" which is More saying that this place can never exist

2.1.1. New node

2.2. The local political system is called a Sty, which is More calling all the people in Great Britain pigs

3. Working Life

3.1. Agriculture is the most important job and every person spends at least two years in the countryside working and farming with men and women doing equal work

3.2. Besides that, people must learn at least one trade that will benefit society such as weaving, carpentry, and masonry.

3.3. All able-bodied people must participate in the work for at least six hours per day unless they wish to do more

3.4. No dressmakers because everyone wears the same simple clothing so as to disregard any social classes

4. Utopia as a Social Critique of Britain

4.1. It focused on a sort of communism and portrayed More's pride in communal service and a simpler society that is easier to understand

4.2. This is the complete opposite of Britain during More's time, which was a monarchy with social classes that were very difficult to move between. You either had money or you did not; nothing was communal and everyone was trying to survive

5. Happiness in Utopia

5.1. The freedom in Utopia could possibly bring happiness: freedom to worship and believe whatever one wants, freedom to marry and divorce, freedom to work as long as you want after you have completed six hours, and just a general sense of family and connection which brings peace and avoids conflict that could create unhappiness.

5.1.1. New node

5.2. With all the free time allowed and nothing else to do, most people would study and educate themselves; thus, knowledge brings happiness

6. Religion

6.1. There was freedom to any religion in Utopia and they were all tolerant of each other

6.2. The only belief that was heavily frowned upon was atheism. It was believed that atheists could not be trusted because without a god, they would have no morals. Though they were allowed to live in Utopia, no one really liked them

7. New node

8. New node

9. Overview

9.1. Thomas More's Utopia is a Christian-humanist view of an ideal society

9.2. More does not simply offer a theoretical view, but provides specifics for how to create this world

9.3. Utopia offers a Christianized form of Plato's Republic

10. Property and its Effect on Society

10.1. No private ownership of anything

10.2. Goods are stored in warehouses where people could request what they needed

10.3. No locks on doors and houses are rotated between people every ten years to avoid attachment

11. Slavery

11.1. 2 slaves per household

11.2. Slaves are either from foreign countries or criminals within Utopia

11.3. Slaves can be released based on good behavior

12. Government

12.1. 54 towns and a total of 6000 households

12.2. Every thirty households is grouped together and controlled by a Syphograntus ("Styward")

12.3. Every ten Stywards is watched over by a Traniborus ("Bencheater")

12.4. Each town elects a mayor from the Bencheaters