![Mind Map: Body Language Mind Map: What I Learned](https://www.mindmeister.com/image/xlarge/1226146833/mind-map-body-language-mind-map-what-i-learned.png)
1. Eyes
1.1. Constant eye contact
1.1.1. Romantic interest
1.2. Little or no eye contact
1.2.1. Nervous
1.2.2. Something to hide
1.3. Staring
1.3.1. Lying
2. Eyebrows
2.1. Raised
2.1.1. Surprise
2.1.2. Worry
2.1.3. Fear
2.1.4. Uncomfortable
3. Lips
3.1. Full lips
3.1.1. Childlike
3.1.2. Immature
3.1.3. Naïve
3.1.4. Submissive
3.2. Thin lips
3.2.1. Distinguished
3.2.2. Intelligent
3.2.3. Detirmined
4. Smile
4.1. Crow's feet
4.1.1. Genuine
4.2. No crow's feet
4.2.1. Hiding something
5. Paralanguage
5.1. Tone
5.2. Pitch
5.3. Manner of speaking
5.3.1. Monotone Unattached Uninterested
5.3.2. Sarcasm Meaning opposite of what they are saying
6. Leaning
6.1. Leaning in
6.1.1. Interested
6.1.2. Respectful
6.2. Leaning back
6.2.1. Tired of conversation
6.2.2. Uncomfortable
7. Baby holding
7.1. Left arm
7.1.1. Indicates happiness
7.2. Right arm
7.2.1. Stressed/depressed
8. Shoes
8.1. New or very clean shoes
8.1.1. Nervous
8.2. Practical shoes
8.2.1. Amiable
8.3. Uncomfortable shoes
8.3.1. Calm
8.4. Ankle boots
8.4.1. Agressive
9. Bonus: What they say
9.1. Praising others as polite, kind, well--mannered
9.1.1. Likely to share positive qualities
9.2. Describes others as backstabbing, manipulative, nasty
9.2.1. Likely to share negative qualities
10. Side Glance
10.1. Body facing you/look you in the eye
10.1.1. Warm
10.1.2. Open to meeting you
10.2. Glance away
10.2.1. Subconciously looking for escape
11. Nodding
11.1. Excessive nodding
11.1.1. Anxiety about approval
11.1.2. Worried about what you think
11.1.3. Unconcious desire to speed up
12. Chin and Jaw
12.1. Rubbing chin
12.1.1. Making decision
12.1.2. Deep in thought
12.2. Clenched jaw
12.2.1. Stress
12.2.2. Discomfort
13. Posture
13.1. Upright/looking straight ahead
13.1.1. Confident
13.2. Slouching/looking down
13.2.1. Gives appearance of low self-esteem
14. Rubbing hands
14.1. Rubbing hands
14.1.1. Positive feeling
14.1.2. Hopeful
14.1.3. Excited
15. Handshake
15.1. Soft and flabby
15.1.1. Submissive
15.2. Hard and crushing
15.2.1. Domineering
15.3. Length
15.3.1. Too long Wierd
15.3.2. Too short Indicates conflict
16. Arms and Legs
16.1. Crossed Arms
16.1.1. Physical barriers
16.1.2. Indicates unwillingness
16.2. Feet
16.2.1. Pointed toward you Interested
16.2.2. Pointing away/toward door Desire to leave
17. Overall appearance
17.1. Hair in place/clothes pressed/attention to style
17.1.1. Detail oriented
17.2. Casual wardrobe/bed-head
17.2.1. Creative Or messy
17.3. Unkempt/smelly
17.3.1. Lazy
18. Copying Body Language
18.1. Mimicking your body language
18.1.1. Receptive
18.1.2. Comfortable