Techniques in Photography

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Techniques in Photography af Mind Map: Techniques in Photography

1. Motion Blur Photography

1.1. Slow down shutter speed

2. Night Photography

3. High Speed Photography

4. Long Exposure Photography

4.1. Blurs Movement

4.1.1. Car Lights

5. Forced Perspective Photography

5.1. Angles

6. Panoramic Photography

7. Light Painting

8. Pin Hole Photography

9. Reflection Photography

9.1. Using a lake etc.

10. Black And White Photography

11. Macro Photography (Close up)

11.1. Used in Abstract Photography

12. Composition

12.1. Rule of thrids

13. Abstract Photography

14. Monochromatic Color Photography

14.1. Portrait/Landscape Photography

14.1.1. Nature

15. Smoke Art Photography

16. Silhouettes