What is the relationship between violent video games and violent behaviors in teens?

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What is the relationship between violent video games and violent behaviors in teens? von Mind Map: What is the relationship between violent video games and violent behaviors in teens?

1. Violent video games do cause violent behaviors in teens.

1.1. Violent video games teach marksmanship to children by letting them have and shoot a gun at humans with no repercussions (Grossman).

1.1.1. When talking about a video game playing school shooter who fired better than highly trained gunman, Lieutenant Colonel Dave Grossman said, "8 shots were apparently fired, for 8 hits—4 of them head shots, one neck, and 3 upper torso. This is simply astounding, unprecedented marksmanship, especially when it comes from a child who apparently had never fired a real pistol in his life" (Grossman). This means that someone who had played violent video games was able to reproduce his shooting skills in real life.

1.1.2. The shooter only shot once at each person, which according to Dave Grossman isn't natural "But, if you are very, very good at video games, you will only fire one shot at every target, not even waiting for that target to drop before moving on to another target" (Grossman). This matters because it shows that violent video games can override natural human instincts.

1.2. Violent video games reward players for performing violent acts (Firefight).

1.2.1. In the critically acclaimed video game, Grand Theft Auto, players are encouraged to break the law. "The game is so violent that it is a challenge to obey the law whilst playing the game." ("Firefight"). This connects to the view point because it shows how violent the average game is.

1.2.2. In the game death run, players run over creatures with a car for points. "How are children supposed to know the difference between a goblin and a real person?" ("Firefight"). This makes me think that seemingly harmless games can program children`s minds.

1.3. Because there are positive outcomes for illegal activities in violent video games.

1.4. Because there aren't any penalties for murder in violent video games.

2. Violent video games don't cause violent behaviors in teens.

2.1. Non-violent teens who play violent video games vastly outnumber violent players.

2.2. Violent video games have been shown to be stress relievers for already violent teens.

2.3. Because violent video games have had the opposite effect.

2.4. Because teenagers are rarely impacted by violent video games.