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ADDIE von Mind Map: ADDIE


1.1. How can we achieve the business goal through training? Address a knowledge gap or select a necessary skill for employees to develop. The ID should conduct a full audit of the intended audience and the business problem before moving to the design phase.

1.2. STEP 1: Identify the business or learning problem.

1.3. STEP 2: Identify training needs that will help solve the business/learning problem.

1.4. STEP 3: Verify assumptions by auditing the business problem, learners' prior knowledge, and available resources.

1.5. STEP 4: Propose a training plan based on validated needs assessment (steps 1-3).

1.6. OUTCOME: Analysis of training needs and a training plan.


2.1. Solicit feedback from stakeholders at various points of the ADDIE process to determine if the course is helping students to achieve learning objectives and if the ID needs to make any changes.

2.2. STEP 1: Solicit feedback on a variety of questions by giving an end of course feedback survey to participants and course facilitators.

2.2.1. Did we meet the goals as set out in the analysis phase?

2.2.2. Take feedback and place back into analysis phase.

2.2.3. Identify other training requirements.

2.2.4. Possible change in media types or approach

2.3. STEP 2: Use survey results to revise the course and reengage in ADDIE process, beginning with green arrows as shown in step 1, above.

2.4. OUTCOME: An evaluation report with proposed course changes or future courses to be developed.

3. STEP 3: Check spelling, grammar, etc. Check that all web-based functions and navigation is operational as intended.

4. OUTCOME: An overview of the course design in storyboard or prototype format.

5. 2. DESIGN

5.1. Identify the learning objectives and determine how materials will be created and tailored to meet learners' needs. Create a storyboard to outline the course and share your ideas with stakeholders.

5.2. STEP 1: Make concrete decisions about strategy, delivery methods, structure, duration, assessment, and feedback.

5.2.1. Text, audio, video?

5.2.2. Online, face-to-face?

5.2.3. Online platforms, social media?

5.3. STEP 2: Organize these decisions into a storyboard using an appropriate online software.

5.4. STEP 3: Review storyboard with stakeholders and take feedback for revision.

5.5. STEP 4: Create a prototype for the course for preliminary design review.


6.1. Follow the design plan and flesh out each component from the course storyboard. This phase will include graphics and colors, determining the overall look of the learning product. The ID should pay special attention to ease of use, graphic clarity, and logical course navigation.

6.2. STEP 1: Translate storyboard into actual course materials in intended final format.

6.3. STEP 2: Refine graphic presentation, i.e. colors, graphics, navigation, etc.

6.4. STEP 4: Run a full trial of the developed course and solicit feedback, with particular focus on navigation and accurate course content. Can the user progress through the course as intended?

6.5. OUTCOME: A completely developed course.


7.1. The course is now delivered to intended users.

7.1.1. Materials

7.1.2. Personnel

7.1.3. Services

7.1.4. Duration

7.2. STEP 1: Decide how to deliver the course. Typically this is online through an Learning Management System.

7.3. STEP 2: Organize logistics such as who is enrolled, how much time are they given, pass marks for assessments, and the collection of feedback.

7.4. STEP 3: ID should monitor the first round of implementation and conduct trouble shooting for end-user learners and course administrators.

7.5. OUTCOME: Course is live in the Learning Management System and users are enrolling and learning.