Managing the classroom
von katherine galindo
1. Classroom Management:
1.1. refers to the wide variety of skills and techniques that teachers use to keep students organized, orderly, focused, attentive, on task, and academically productive during a class.
2. variety
2.1. The variety is important for teachers to vary the quality of their voices and the volume. The kind of voice we use to GIVE INSTRUCTIONS or INTRODUCE A NEW ACTIVITY will be different from the voice which is most appropriate for conversation or an informal exchange of views.
3. conversation
3.1. Just like opera singers, teachers to take great care of their voices. Its important that they breathe correctly so that they don’t strain their larynxes. Using the lower abdomen to help expand the rib cage thus filling the lungs with air.
4. talking with students
4.1. The way that teachers talk to students, the manner in which they interact with them. In order to rough-tune their language, teachers need to be aware of three things: - Firstly, they should consider the kind of language that students are likely to understand. -Secondly, They need to think about what they wish to say to the students and how best to do it. Thirdly, they need to consider the manner in which they will speak.
5. giving instructions
5.1. There are two general rules for giving instructions: They must be kept as simple as possible, and they must be logical. Before giving instructions, therefore, teachers must ask themselves the following questions: What is the important information I an trying to convey? What must the students know if they are to complete this activity successfully?
6. what information do they need first? which should come next?
6.1. When teachers give instructions, it is important for them to check that the students have understood. This can be achieved asking student to explain the activity, given instruction.
7. students talk and teacher talk
7.1. Classes are sometimes criticized because there is too much TTT (Teacher Talking Time) and not enough STT (Student Talking Time) Overuse of TTT is inappropriate because the more a teacher talks, the less chance there is for the students to practice their own speaking. A good teacher maximizes STT and minimizes TTT
8. The teacher in the classroom
8.1. a great teacher develops a big role into the class, which they show up the best part of them and excellent knowledge and they must take control from all students.
9. Proximity
9.1. teacher should take account that they are closer to the student then they must focus how they work in some activities assigned by the teacher,
10. Appropriacy
10.1. Many teachers create an extremely friendly atmosphere by crouching down when they work with students in pairs, all the positions teachers take – sitting on the edge of tables, standing behind a lectern standing on raised dais.
11. Movement
11.1. hMost successful teachers move around the classroom to some extent, that way can retain students’ interest or work more closely with smaller groups
12. Awareness
12.1. means assessing what students have said and responding appropriately and teachers are being able to perceive the success or failure
13. Using the voice
13.1. speak aloud is challenge for teachers because they have to be sure the all students listing instructions or paying attention and teacher have to speak so polite because students can drill their vocabulary.
14. Audibility
14.1. teacher must be sure that the students at the back of the class can hear them as well as those at the front, but audibility can not be divorced from voice quality: a rasping shout is always unpleasant.