If Dana were a man, attitudes toward her would be different
von Rita Willard

1. Tom Welylin may have made her a field hand and made her do more work
1.1. more sense of distrust because men are more likely to run away or cause a riot.
1.1.1. + she educated do that creates more of a threat
1.2. not as vulnerable now
1.3. may not have been able to move around as freely
2. Maragret
2.1. less to worry about getting her son taken away by another "mom"
2.2. more worry that her son would be homo
2.3. wouldnt be able to hit dana as effectivly
2.3.1. less bulling
3. ndssd cjcnxicziicvhiuxdhviudvhhhddddddddddddddddd
4. Rufus would have looked at her as only a friend
4.1. may not have confinded in her as much because of the presence of a ma
4.2. or he could be homo
4.3. may be easier for dana to save rufus
4.4. may not have tried to keep dana with him always
5. Kevin
5.1. could be a woman
5.1.1. Dana could have been hanged(for being with a white woman
5.1.2. not as much power to shield dana from being harmed
5.1.3. could be forced into an arranged marriage with rufus by welyin
5.1.4. rufus fall in love?
5.2. homo
5.2.1. no one should deffinately not know in that time period
6. Alice
6.1. wouldnt confide in as much cause shes not a woman
6.2. could fall for dana
6.3. could convince dana to run away
6.4. isaac wouldnt have trusted dana at all when she came out when rufus and isaac were fighting
6.4.1. might have attacked her