What hinders us?
von Alex Cleater
1. guilt
1.1. leave it with God
2. laziness
2.1. do things with a friend
2.2. getting perspective!
2.2.1. if it's important, just do it!
2.3. develop good habits
3. other priorities/too busy
4. Sin
5. too comfortable with lifestyle/tradition
6. wordly values
6.1. looking to God rather than wordly things for happiness
7. find it boring
8. anger
8.1. with God
9. people/friends
9.1. distracting you
10. not enough fellowship
10.1. hanging with wrong crowd?
10.2. time for additional/new crowd who will support and encourage you
11. prayers not answered/bad experiences
12. not wanting to change certain ways of living
13. daunting or overwhelming
13.1. do it bit by bit
14. false teaching
14.1. get stuck into Bible!