World War II Cryptography Methods and Devices

This mind map focuses on the cryptographic devices and methods used during World War II by various countries. Examples include the Enigma Machine used by Germany and the Purple Code used by Japan. It also mentions Allied codebreaking efforts like Bletchley Park, where the Enigma code was famously cracked. This map explores how encryption and decryption played a crucial role in wartime intelligence.

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World War II Cryptography Methods and Devices von Mind Map: World War II Cryptography Methods and Devices

1. Enigma Machine (Germany)

1.1. Features

1.1.1. Rotor-based cipher

1.1.2. Complex encryption

1.2. Decryption

1.2.1. Codebreaking at Bletchley Park

1.2.2. Alan Turing’s role


2.1. Features

2.1.1. Cipher machine

2.1.2. Used by Allied forces

2.2. Security

2.2.1. Superior to Enigma in complexity

3. Purple Code (Japan)

3.1. Features

3.1.1. Electromechanical cipher

3.1.2. Used by Japanese diplomats

3.2. Decryption

3.2.1. Broken by US

4. Lorenz Cipher (Germany)

4.1. Features

4.1.1. Used by Nazi High Command

4.1.2. Advanced rotor-based machine

4.2. Decryption

4.2.1. Colossus computer used by Allies