Performance-based tasks

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Performance-based tasks von Mind Map: Performance-based tasks

1. Desktop Productivity

1.1. Word Processing

1.1.1. Advanced

1.1.2. Beginning

1.2. Spreadsheet

1.3. Presentation Software

1.4. Proficiency

1.4.1. 9.3.b.2

1.5. Advanced

1.5.1. 10.3.b.2

2. Networking

2.1. Design

2.1.1. 9.3.a.1

2.2. Management

2.2.1. 9.3.a.1

3. Hardware Devices

4. Communication

4.1. Imaging Devices

4.1.1. 10.3.b.2

4.2. Email

4.2.1. Discussion Group 9.4.b.1

4.3. Electronic Publication

4.3.1. 9.4.b.2

4.3.2. 10.4.b.1

4.3.3. Archival 11.4.b.1

4.3.4. 12.4.b.1

4.4. Medium

4.4.1. 4.5.a.3

4.4.2. 5.5.a.2

5. Input/Output Devices

5.1. w/Multimedia and computer

5.1.1. 10.3.b.1

6. Personal/Professional Information

6.1. Management

6.1.1. 10.3.b.3

6.2. Communication

6.2.1. 11.3.b.1

7. Video

7.1. New node

7.2. New node

8. Keyboarding

8.1. Skills

8.2. Application

9. Storage

9.1. State of the Art Devices

9.1.1. 9.3.a.1

9.1.2. 11.3.a.2

9.2. Past/Current

9.2.1. 10.3.a.2

10. Problem Solving

10.1. Hardware and software problems

10.1.1. 9.3.a.3

10.2. Identify and Solve

10.2.1. 10.3.a.3

10.3. Systems, Resources, Services

10.3.1. 11.3.a.1

10.3.2. 11.3.a.3

10.3.3. 12.3.a.1

11. Multimedia Design

11.1. text, color, graphics, multimedia

11.1.1. 9.4.a.1

11.1.2. 11.4.a.2 app

11.2. organizational technique

11.2.1. 10.4.a.1

11.3. Matched to message/medium

11.3.1. 9.4.a.3

11.3.2. 9.4.a.4

11.3.3. 10.4.a.2

11.3.4. 11.4.a.3

11.3.5. 12.4.a.1

11.3.6. 10.4.a.4

11.3.7. 11.4.a.4

11.4. psychological/cultural/ethical impact

11.4.1. 11.4.a.3

11.4.2. 12.4.a.2

11.4.3. 12.4.a.3

11.5. Accessibility Guidelines

11.5.1. 9.4.a.2

11.5.2. 10.4.a.3

12. Web Browser

12.1. 3.5.c.1

12.2. 3.5.c.3

12.3. 5.5.c.1

12.4. 5.5.c.4

12.5. 6.5.c.1

12.6. 7.5.c.1

12.7. 8.5.c.1