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MNHC von Mind Map: MNHC

1. Location

1.1. Marquette's Campus

1.1.1. 20th & Wisconsin

1.2. (414) 933-9100

2. Mission

2.1. started in 2007

2.2. "Our mission emerges from the mission of Marquette University and the College of Nursing, reflecting commitment to excellence, faith, leadership and service. Moreover, our mission is guided by the Catholic Church’s vision of health care as a continuation of the healing ministry of Jesus Christ. Health care, guided by professional codes of nursing, is based on respect for all persons and their cultures, concern for ethical values, and a holistic approach. We strive to enhance opportunities for education, scholarship and research for nursing faculty and students through using and studying best practices and innovative approaches to nursing care and service delivery. "


4. Staff

4.1. Run by advanced practice nurses

4.1.1. can write prescriptions

4.2. Physician consultants

4.3. Small Staff

4.3.1. 12 people

4.3.2. Allows care to be more personal they get the story from patients sometimes make house visits

4.3.3. Form meaningful relationships with patients

4.3.4. provides for patient loyalty

4.3.5. harbors a safe environment

4.4. Marquette Nursing Program

4.4.1. students can practice to aid class work

4.4.2. teacher's certifications

4.4.3. potential for research in the future

5. Patients

5.1. Marquette Students

5.1.1. Not much awareness

5.1.2. need insurance, not marquette's

5.1.3. want to increase numbers from MU

5.2. Local Community

5.2.1. primarily families

5.2.2. 85% of clients have Medicaid Children & Parents of children under 18 Elderly Students who qualify

5.2.3. 5% have Medicare age +65 Disabilities

5.2.4. 10% typical insurance want to increase this number

5.3. 3,000 clients - over 20,000 visits