Lesson Planning

Plan your lessons and the goals of your lessons as well as including important content

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Lesson Planning von Mind Map: Lesson Planning

1. Podcasting

1.1. Manitoba Grade three Curriculum (English)

1.1.1. 4.4.2 Effective Oral Communication Select, monitor, and use appropriate volume, expression, and non-verbal cues in presentations; use physical stance and gestures to enhance communication.

1.1.2. ICT Continuum (Cognitive) C-1.1 displays and/or discusses electronic work (AffectiveM-1.1 demonstrates confidence and self-motivation while doing ICT tasks alone and with others

1.2. Resources needed

1.2.1. Materials Book provided by the teacher, audio recording, pen and paper

1.2.2. People Grade three class

1.2.3. Facilities Classroom

1.3. Lesson Plan

1.3.1. We will start the class with the teacher reading the students a short book. The text from the book will appear on the smart board at the front of the room. I will ask students to listen to my voice, and pay attention to the text on the board. This will allow students to see what I do differently at different punctuation that appears within the text. By doing this students are becoming aware of proper reading skills, different strengths, skills and corrections that may need to be made during a verbal reading task (Activate)

1.3.2. Students will do complete questions 1-3 within the worksheet provided. This worksheet will address what the teacher did differently at different punctuation that appeared in the book. (For example what did Miss. Osudar do when an (!) appeared vs. a (.) (Apply)

1.3.3. Students one by one will record themselves reading the book, while I listen to them. This will allow students to read out loud and progress on their communication, and verbal skills. After students are finished reading, they will listen to their audio recording, while following along with the text. This will allow the students to be able to address their strengths, address if they used punctuation correctly and to see where they corrected themselves during the reading. Myself and the students, will then explain and discuss what they thought of their reading after listening to their voice recording.(Apply)

1.4. Audacity Voice clip lesson provided

1.4.1. Can be found under pages on my blog "podcasting lesson"

1.5. Notes

1.5.1. Method of instruction Activate, Acquire, Apply

1.5.2. Method of evaluation

1.5.3. Reasoning for this topic

2. Videos

2.1. Manitoba Grade Seven Curriculum: (Physical Education)

2.1.1. S.1.6.A.1 Perform extensions and/or variations of transport skills (e.g., sprinting, jumping, springing, rotating...), applying mechanical principles (e.g., speed is affected by the weight of body, range of motion, number of involved body segments, application of force...) for speed, height, and/or distance P-1.2 follows given plans

2.2. Resources needed

2.2.1. Materials School iPad's, smart boards, equipment for each obstacle (medicine balls, skipping ropes, etc)

2.2.2. People Grade 7 physical education classs

2.2.3. Facilities Gym or open room with a lot of space for moving around

2.3. Lesson Plan

2.3.1. We will start the lesson with a short video that will allow students to start to think about variations of transport skills, and how applying different mechanical principals may change or enhance movement. (Activate) Students will watch the video with me pressing play at the beginning of class on the smart board. Students will have a chance to watch the video again if they desire, as I will have the Ipads signed out incase they need to watch the video or look up information. (The link will be provided on the smart board to my example video). Students will be marked according to the rubric provided in method of evaluation. Students will each be given a sheet of this rubric to fill out independently. The students marks will be based on an average of all the group members answers. EXCEPT "Cooperative group work" as this will be based on each students personal evaluation, and my feelings on their contribution within the group. Explain to students its important to help out your group, as not every member of the group will be getting the same mark if they have not contributed equally

2.3.2. The gym will be set up with ten different obstacles for the students (groups of three) to take part in. Each obstacle will take students four minutes and will have instructions and an example on how to preform the obstacle at each station. For example one of the obstacles will have students skip while jumping with one foot vs. two feet. This will allow students to realize how the range of motion can change drastically when something so simple is taken from them. Another obstacle will have students run while holding a medicine ball, this will demonstrate how speed if affected by weight of the body. At each of the obstacle courses students will be required to record at least one of their group members doing that obstacle. (iPads provided). (Acquiring)

2.3.3. Before starting this lesson students will have been given a "KWL" chart. Prior to starting students will have filled out the "K" column explaining what they know about physical movement and barriers and our movements that can affect this. Student will also fill out the "W" chart explaining what they would like to know after finishing this obstacle course, at the end of the obstacle course students will explain what they learnt at each obstacle under the "L" chart. (Applying)

2.3.4. Students will watch the video with me pressing play at the beginning of the class. Students will have a chance to watch the video again if they desire.

2.4. Video Provided

2.5. Notes

2.5.1. Method of instruction- Activate, Acquire, Apply

2.5.2. Reasoning for topic

2.5.3. Method of evaluation

3. Map

3.1. Manitoba Grade Five Curriculum: Cluster 1 (Social Studies)

3.1.1. (SLO) K1-004 Describe First Peoples' stories of their origins, as well as current theories of migrations to the North American Continent

3.1.2. ICT Continuum (Cognitive) C-2.1 information, ideas, and/or electronic work using tools for electronic communication (Affective)M-2.2 perseveres in working through complex ICT problems using higher-level thinking skills

3.2. Resources needed

3.2.1. Materials School iPads, smartboard, compute lab for research, pen and paper.

3.2.2. People Ten groups with two students in each group

3.2.3. Facilities Computer lab, classroom, outside side classroom time may also be needed

3.3. Lesson plan

3.3.1. Show students slide show of information about k1-004. Students will take notes (15 minutes) (Activate)

3.3.2. Use Brainpop log in account to show students a four minute video on First Nation Peoples'(Christopher Columbus) and their stories. (four mins) (Acquiring)

3.3.3. Students will pick a partner and together they will research Christopher Columbus's voyage of the North American Continent (3 places). Students are expected to find Christopher Columbus's first three destinations on his voyage. They will come up with answers at each of the points they found on the page, (1) Explaining why he was here, what trades he did, (2) Theories Christopher Columbus discovered at each location, (3) How Christopher got to his destination and how long he was there

3.3.4. Students will use google map (have already been introduced to this website) to locate and pin the first three origins of Christopher Columbus voyage. Students will use the line symbol to indicate his paths and connect different place he traveled. Explain to students they must be careful and note some of his travels was done on land and others was within a boat. Emphasize to students to make their maps as detailed as possible, and to explore all the options we have used. (Three 45 minute classes to work on this) (Apply)

3.3.5. Students will explain their findings and map to the entire class by using the smart smart board. (Apply) Students should have 3 locations on their map

3.3.6. Students will have a checklist rubric given to them prior to starting this lesson, the checklist is based on presentation skills when explaining their map. Students will be formatively observed through out the three classes and then accessed (summative) on their presentation, accurate information and Google map.

3.4. Google Map lesson provided

3.4.1. Map provided

3.5. Notes

3.5.1. Method of instruction Activate, Acquire, Apply

3.5.2. Method of Evaluation

3.5.3. Reasoning for this topic

4. Collaboration

4.1. Manitoba Grade Seven Curriculum: (English)

4.1.1. 1.1.1 Express Ideas Use exploratory language to discuss and record a variety of predictions, opinions, and conclusions.

4.1.2. ICT Continuum (Cognitive)C-2.1 discusses information, ideas, and/or electronic work using tools for electronic communication (Affective)Co-2.1 with peers to accomplish self-directed learning with ICT in various settings

4.2. Recourses needed

4.2.1. Materials School Ipads/computers/google doc

4.2.2. People Ten groups with two students in each group

4.2.3. Facilities Computer lab, classroom, outside side classroom time may also be needed

4.3. Lesson Plan

4.3.1. We will start off the lesson with a class discussion based on the novel. Students will predict, present opinions and conclusions on what we think they novel will be about based on the title and cover page. (Activate)

4.3.2. Students will take part in a novel study (100 pages) we will read the novel as a class, I will read and ask for volunteer readers (Acquiring)

4.3.3. Students will pick a partner and together will use their novel to create a Google doc essay collaboratively (students are aware how to do this). This essay will be based on opinions and different view points each of them have. Both students are expected to write an equal amount, while using exploratory language. (Apply)

4.3.4. In a separate paragraph on the same google doc students will explain how difficult or easy doing an essay with another student is, while respecting ones insight,viewpoints and opinions. (Apply)

4.3.5. Notes Method of instruction Activate, Acquire, Apply Method of evaluation Reasoning for this topic