The Characters of The Running Dream From Part 2 to Part 3 Chapter 13

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The Characters of The Running Dream From Part 2 to Part 3 Chapter 13 von Mind Map: The Characters of The Running Dream From Part 2 to Part 3 Chapter 13

1. Jessica's Mom

1.1. 1- Cares about Jessica(p42)

1.2. 2- Treats Jessica as a baby(p49)

1.3. 3- Doesn't trust her daughter(p50)

1.4. 4- Trying her best to help daughter(p50)

1.5. 5- Is so polite(p55)

2. Kaylee

2.1. 1- Annoyed from her sister(p44)

2.2. 2- is okay with her sister(p58)

2.3. 3- was excited to know that Jessica could run again(p83)

3. Jessica's Dad

3.1. 1- Works hard(p44)

3.2. 2- Cares about his daughter(p58)

3.3. 3- doesn't like the couch(p58)

3.4. 4- concerned about the insurance(p63)

4. Merryl

4.1. 1- Gavin's girlfriend(p53)

4.2. 2- didn't attend Jessica's party(p67)

4.3. 3- doesn't like Jessica(p68)

5. Dr. Wells

5.1. 1- is on time(p73)

5.2. 2- is always positive man(p73)

5.3. 3- is motivating Jessica(p73)

6. Chloe

6.1. 1- is the woman who work in the counter with Dr. Hank(p74)

6.2. 2- is funny(p74)

6.3. 3- is positive(p74)

6.4. 4- is a BK amputee(p74)

6.5. 5- had cancer when she was a kid(p74)

7. Mr. Benson

7.1. 1- is a patient Jessica met in the clinic(p74)

7.2. 2- is depreesed(p74)

7.3. 3- didn't like to be in the clinic(p76)

8. Mrs. Wahl

8.1. 1- is a teacher(p80)

8.2. 2- is friendly(p81)

8.3. 3- happy with Jessica(p81)

9. Vanessa

9.1. 1- is a runner(p92)

9.2. 2- is a competitive to Jessica(p92)

9.3. 3- is arrogant(p92)

10. Mrs. Steele

10.1. 1- has a different personality than her daughter(p95)

10.2. 2- knows that her daughter is arrogant(p96)

10.3. 3- blames her self for Vanessa's personality(p96)

11. Sherlock

11.1. 1- wakes up early(42)

11.2. 2- Likes to run(p42)

11.3. 3- So active(p42)

12. Jessica

12.1. 1- Missing Running(p42)

12.2. 2- Loves her dog(p42)

12.3. 3- Had many dreams about running(p42)

12.4. 4- Trying her best to play with Sherlock(p42)

12.5. 5- Wants to be better(p45)

12.6. 6- Thinks A lot(p47)

12.7. 7- Cares about the team(p53)

12.8. 8- is trying to make things better with her sister(p58)

12.9. 9- was uncomfortable in the school at first(p62)

12.10. 10- statred to be comfortable when she met her team(p64)

12.11. 11- hates the math teacher(p65)

12.12. 12- is not over Gavin yet(p94)

13. Fiona

13.1. 1- Trying to help Jessica(p44)

13.2. 2- Motivates Jessica as much as she can(p50)

13.3. 3- Excited to get Jessica back to school(p55)

14. Gavin

14.1. 1- intrested on Jessica(p53)

14.2. 2- knows that Merryl is not a good runner(p97)

14.3. 3- is funny(p97)

15. Lucy

15.1. 1- Died on the bus accident(p53)

16. Marcy

16.1. 1-  Is a member on the team(p53)

16.2. 2- not good as Jessica(p53)

17. Ms. Rucker

17.1. 1- Is so restrict(p55)

17.2. 2- looks like a machein(p65)

17.3. 3- didn't show any feeling about Jessica(p65)

18. Kayro

18.1. 1- missed Jessica so much(p63)

18.2. 2- wanted Jessica to run again(p83)

18.3. 3- got the idea of fundraising(p84)

19. Shandall Norwood

19.1. 1- cares about Jessica(p60)

19.2. 2- was happy when Jessica came back to the school(p60)

19.3. 3- is a good runner(p60)

20. Ms. Aloi

20.1. 1- was pleased to have Jessica back(p61)

20.2. 2- is a good teacher(p61)

20.3. 3- helped Jessica a lot(p61)

21. Mr. Vedder

21.1. 1- helped Jessica in her homework(p62)

21.2. 2- was glad to have Jessica back(p62)

21.3. 3- was concern about Jessica more than any teacher(p62)

22. Rose

22.1. 1- is disabled(p66)

22.2. 2- rarely talks(p66)

22.3. 3- has a disease which makes her disabled(p66)

22.4. 4- welcomed Jessica(p66)

22.5. 5- is willing to help Jessica(p79)

23. Dr. Hank

23.1. 1- is a prosthetist(p73)

23.2. 2- is the best choice for Jessica(p73)

23.3. 3- is happy to see Jessica again(p76)

24. Leesha

25. Panny

26. Illy

27. Twent