1. The book editing itself
1.1. Calls to Action
1.1.1. After 1st Chapter
1.1.2. In the middle, tied into some content
1.1.3. After Last Chapter
1.1.4. Options Reader Survey Questions Gift Join my email newsletter for my newest content -- a free service of convenience for my audience Apply for a free 1-1 consult with you Once you have another book, be sure to let them know, and to link to it.
1.2. Look at 5 recent books you’ve loved. Analyze why you love them.
1.2.1. Is it the structure of the book?
1.2.2. Do they have questions at the end of a chapter, or notes?
1.2.3. Quotes throughout the book?
1.2.4. Chapters short or long?
1.2.5. Paragraphs short or long?
1.2.6. Images?
1.2.7. Take notes on what you love about those 5 books -- and what you don't! -- and let that guide your own book's editing.
1.3. Ways to make your content more engaging: http://www.mindmeister.com/388449576
1.4. Go to http://Amazon.com and look up books that are similar to your topic. Find ones that have 3-star reviews. What are the complaints about those books? Try to write or edit your book such that you solve those complaints.
1.5. Think about promotional partners whose audience would be perfect for the book: other authors, experts, big names in your space, organizations, associations, owners of active & large online groups
1.5.1. If possible, include an interview with them (or a mention of them) in your book, so that they are more likely to promote it.
1.6. At the end of your book, ask for reviews
1.6.1. who this book is most useful for
1.6.2. what they gained from reading the book
1.6.3. other book(s) or resourc(es) or practice(s) they would recommend in conjunction with the book -- people like to mark reviews like this as "helpful"
1.6.4. "Every review will help more people find this book and possibly have their lives changed. You do make a difference when you write a review. Here's how (simple instructions)"
1.7. Kindle
1.7.1. At the beginning of the book, put a clickable Table of Contents, so they can go directly to whatever idea interests them.
1.7.2. In every chapter, whenever appropriate, link to another chapter (unless it's the next one, of course) so they can skip around the book based on their interest.
1.8. The flow of the book
1.8.1. Take the detailed how-to's and put them into Appendix so people don't get out of the Flow of the strategy.
1.9. Title of Book
1.9.1. The most important words in the book, the most read words, are the Title itself.
1.9.2. Make it: Accurate Concise enough to easily say Something you'd be proud to share forward
1.9.3. Process Take a day or two to brainstorm, or intuitively channel, what the title might be. Write several ideas, but don't be committed to any of them yet. As you begin to do that, ask your book reviewers to brainstorm -- without judgment -- as many titles as they think are relevant. Use Table of Contents as a guide. If no book reviewers, hire a couple of Fiverrs to help you with book title ideas, giving them the Table of Contents as a guide. While you give your reviewers a few days to brainstorm, go search on Amazon for books similar to yours in topic... do any of their titles & sub-titles give you any ideas for yours? Combine your research + your book reviewers' brainstorm + your original brainstorm and come up with 3 titles & sub-titles to vote on. Ask your book reviewers to vote on the best title.
2. Getting reviews
2.1. About getting friends and family to review your book: the ethics of that is questionable, and may even be illegal on Amazon.com... More info here: http://j.mp/1gIcBUb Instead, there's lots of others to approach...
2.2. Offer your book for in exchange for honest reviews
2.2.1. Finding Reviewers BEFORE you reach out to anyone, it would be wise to go to that person's Amazon profile and see what they review positively / like. If you think your book would be received positively by them, then reach out to them. Look at similar products on Amazon -- and find the "most helpful" reviews. Contact those people. Amazon's Current Top Reviewers http://www.amazon.com/review/top-reviewers Amazon's Hall of Fame Reviewers http://www.amazon.com/review/hall-of-fame More info: http://www.thecreativepenn.com/2012/09/16/get-amazon-book-reviews/ http://www.amazon.com/gp/richpub/syltguides/fullview/RNCWTLEMV71VM Do a giveaway on Goodreads for some reviews (I gave out ten books and got two reviews from it, so not a bad percentage).
2.2.2. Ask the reviewer to disclose at the beginning that you gifted them with the book for an honest review. Ethical guidelines from FTC http://www.business.ftc.gov/documents/bus71-ftcs-revised-endorsement-guideswhat-people-are-asking "I received this book in exchange for an honest review" and let them know they should leave an honest review
3. Getting publicity
3.1. Promotional Partners
3.1.1. Can be other authors/experts, associations, organizations, book clubs, online groups, etc.
3.1.2. Split 50/50 on the proceeds of the book Tracking, if selling Amazon Kindle books, is tricky... Or even give them 100% of the proceeds (during the launch period), if big enough audience, and it will raise your Kindle sales numbers. Especially if it's a non-profit.
3.2. Write guest blog posts
3.2.1. Not about your book, but something in your book that is juicy and relevant for that audience.
3.3. Your online author profiles
3.3.1. Amazon.com
3.3.2. Goodreads.com