The Rise of Christianity

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The Rise of Christianity von Mind Map: The Rise of Christianity

1. The life and Teaching of Jesus

1.1. Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea between 6 to 4 BC

1.1.1. He was both a Jew and a Roman subject

1.2. his teaching contained many ideas from Jewish tradition such as monotheism, and the principles of the Ten Commandments

1.3. Pilate arrested Jesus and sentenced him to crucifiction because he challenged the authority of rome

2. Jews come Under Roman Rule

2.1. Romans gave control of religious matters and local affairs to the Jewish court

2.2. The Zealots wanted to rid their homeland of the romans

2.2.1. another group believed that the Messiah was soon to appear

3. Christianity Spreads Through the Empire

3.1. the Pax romana provided ideal conditions for christianity to spread

3.1.1. The Jews attempted to break free from the Romans

4. A World Religion

4.1. Christianity grew because it gave hope to the powerless and it promised eternal life after death

4.1.1. it appealed to those who were repelled by the extravagances of imperial rome

4.1.2. evenually every major city had its own bishop

4.2. church leaders called any belief that appeared to contradict the basic teachings a heresy