Major Events of WWII

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Major Events of WWII von Mind Map: Major Events of WWII

1. Germany invaded Poland

1.1. September 1, 1939

1.2. Where WWII began

1.3. The German-Societ Pact enabled them to invade without fear of Soviet intervention

1.4. The Polish Army was defeated

2. The Axis Alliance

2.1. September 22, 1940

2.2. Germany, Italy, and Japan signed the Tripartite Pact

3. Pearl Harbor

3.1. December 7, 1941

3.2. Japan attacked the U.S. Navy

3.3. Causes the U.S. to enter the war with the allies

4. D-day and the Normandy invasion

4.1. June 6, 1944

4.2. Allied forces invaded France and pushed back the Germans

5. Germany surrendered to the Allies

5.1. May 7, 1945

6. Germany took over much of Europe

6.1. They used uses quick strikes called blitzkrieg

6.2. They took over the Netherlands, Belgium, and northern France

6.3. May 10-June 22, 1940

7. France and Great Britain declared war on Germany

7.1. September 3, 1939

7.2. In response to the Poland invasion

8. Germany invaded and took over Denmark and Norway

8.1. April 9-June 9, 1940

8.2. Germany got control

8.3. It was a preventive manoeuvre

9. The Battle of Britain

9.1. July 10, 1940

9.2. Germany launched air attacks