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Ecosystem von Mind Map: Ecosystem

1. Types of Ecosystems

1.1. Rain Forests

1.2. Grassland

1.3. Deserts

1.4. Tundra

1.5. Freshwater

1.6. Marine

2. Vocabulary

2.1. Photosynthesis: A process by which plants use water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight to produce sugars (food)

2.2. Producer: an organism that makes its own food from non-living materials

2.3. Consumer: an organism that eats other living things for energy

2.4. Herbivore: an organism that eats plants only

2.5. Carnivore: an organism that eats other animals only

3. Abiotic Factors

3.1. Water

3.2. Sunlight

3.3. Food

3.4. Air

4. Biotic Factors

4.1. Humans

4.2. Animals

4.3. House's/Buildings

4.4. Plants

4.5. Trees

4.6. Grass