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The Productivity Project por Mind Map: The Productivity Project

1. Working more does not make you more effective

1.1. By controlling how much time you spend on a task, you control how much energy and attention you spend on it.

1.2. Learn to invest more energy and attention into your work, so you can get the same amount done in a fraction of the time.

1.3. After 35-40 hours your productivity begins to plummet

2. Biological Prime Time

2.1. Find out during which periods on the day you are most productive and use that optimally

2.2. Work on your most important and meaningful tasks when you have the most energy, not when you have the most time!

3. Outsourcing/delegating

3.1. Don't waste time on trivial things

3.2. Let others do the less important stuff

4. Internet

4.1. Internet kills your productivity

4.2. Turn it off when you need to be productive

5. Quiet your mind

5.1. Brain dump

5.1.1. Wating For list

5.1.2. Worry list

5.1.3. Inbox review

5.1.4. Hot spots list

5.2. Making room

5.2.1. two brain modes Wandering mode Central executive mode

5.2.2. Use the wandering mode Exercising Reading Meditation Listening music Praying Going for a nature walk Spending time with friends Going for a massage

6. Next level

6.1. Eat healthy

6.2. Drinking for energy

6.3. Exercise

6.4. Sleep

7. Three productivity factors

7.1. Budhist monk vs wall street trader

7.1.1. Energy

7.1.2. Time

7.1.3. Attention

8. Rule of three

8.1. 3 tasks to accomplish today

8.2. 3 things to accomplish this week

9. 6 Procrastination triggers

9.1. Boring

9.2. Difficult

9.3. Frustrating

9.4. Unstructured or Ambiguous

9.5. Lacking in personal meaning

9.6. Lacking in intrinsic rewards

10. Maintenance day

10.1. Use one day for all your maintenance tasks

10.1.1. Grocery shopping

10.1.2. Clean house

10.1.3. Do laundry

10.1.4. Review lists

10.1.5. Clear inbox

10.1.6. Read articles gathered throughout the week

10.1.7. Define three outcomes for the week ahead

10.1.8. Review projects

11. Your attention muscle

11.1. Three parts

11.1.1. Central Executive This is your thinking and planning brain that lives in your prefrontal cortex. So far, particularly in the procrastination section, I’ve done my best to write this book in a way that will fire up this part of your brain. It’s mostly the other two parts of your attention muscle that I’ll focus on in this section.

11.1.2. Focus This involves narrowing your attentional spotlight to focus on the task at hand, which helps you work more efficiently.

11.1.3. Awareness This means becoming aware of what’s going on in your internal and external environments, which helps you work more mindfully and deliberately.

11.2. Train your attention muscle

11.3. Kill distractions

11.4. Single tasking, no multitasking

11.5. Practice mindfulness and meditation

12. Taking it easy

12.1. Disconnect from productivity more often

12.2. Recall three things you're grateful for

12.3. Journal about a positive experience you had

12.4. brak tasks down

12.5. Ask yourself for advice

12.6. Reward yourself

12.7. Know you can grow

12.8. Create an Accomplishments list

12.9. Look at pictures of cute baby animals