Globalisation has done more harm than good. Do you agree?

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Globalisation has done more harm than good. Do you agree? por Mind Map: Globalisation has done more harm than good. Do you agree?

1. safe

2. #gettheskankon

3. becca ur sik

4. hey ollie

5. r8 merch?

6. b dog where you at

6.1. REPLY

7. jamie.....

8. i hate globalisation

9. essays are boring

10. globalisation was a mistake

11. it has done no good in our lives

12. cake.

13. shout out to all those poor geographers who still need to write 15000 words by tomorrow

14. this more fun than writing essays

15. fgfffd


16.1. poo

17. yes globalisation has done more bad then good as one reason, is that it has sometimes pollutes the area it is in whether it is air pollution realising gases into the air or water pollution so bringing toxic into the water