Wanda and Maddie Character Compare and Contrast

Wanda and Maddie Character Compare and Contrast

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Wanda and Maddie Character Compare and Contrast por Mind Map: Wanda and Maddie Character Compare and Contrast

1. Maddie

1.1. kind-hearted

1.2. poor

1.3. quiet

1.4. shy and not very confident



4. Maddie

4.1. feels guilty for not standing up for Wanda

4.2. has a best friend: the most popular girl in school - Peggy

4.3. isn't bullied by everyone else for wearing Peggy's hand-me-downs

5. Wanda

5.1. kind-hearted

5.2. poor

5.3. quiet

5.4. shy and not very confident

6. Wanda

6.1. forgives Maddie and Peggy for the past

6.2. doesn't have any friends

6.3. is bullied everyday for her clothing