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Feudalism por Mind Map: Feudalism

1. Nobles

1.1. Environment

1.1.1. Status of nobility based off household Because of this, tried to have best looking houses possible

1.1.2. Elegant clothes New node

1.1.3. Large castles

1.2. Responsibilites

1.2.1. Raise troops and command them in field

1.2.2. Lord of all people who settled on land

1.2.3. Had to look after own land

1.2.4. Had to appoint servants Servants would look after estate and collect taxes & rents

1.3. Rights

1.3.1. Free in person and possessions

1.3.2. Held own courts of justice

1.3.3. Coined own money

2. King

2.1. Environment

2.1.1. Lived in large castle

2.1.2. High prestige

2.2. Responsibilities

2.2.1. Grants fief to vassals

2.2.2. Provides serfs with housing, farmland and protection from bandits in exchange for the serfs tending his lands

2.2.3. Judge and jury for disputes between vassals

2.3. Rights

2.3.1. Created laws and had total authority over everyone, including the pope

3. Knights

3.1. Environment

3.1.1. Status below vassals

3.2. Responsibilities

3.2.1. Protect weak and poor Done with horse and sword (sign of nobility)

3.2.2. Protect lord's lands

3.3. Rights

3.3.1. Given their own fiefs in exchange for protecting lord's lands

4. Peasants/Serfs

4.1. Environment

4.1.1. Lord's Manor

4.1.2. Lived in villages with 15-30 families

4.1.3. Crowded collages

4.2. Responsibilities

4.2.1. Raised lord's crops

4.2.2. Raised lord's livestock

4.2.3. Produced/raised all they and their lord needed

4.2.4. Paid tax on all grain ground in lord's mill Baking bread elsewhere was a crime

4.2.5. Took care of lord's estate

4.3. Rights

4.3.1. Farmland, housing, and protection from bandits

4.3.2. Serfs couldn't leave where they were born

4.3.3. Weddings could only take place with lord's consent

5. Clergy/Church Officials

5.1. Environment

5.1.1. Lived like nobles or European princes Cared more about this than giving people spiritual guidance

5.1.2. Consisted of people that cared about only prestige, wealth, and power These were based on status within clergy

5.2. Responsibilities

5.2.1. Village priest has to oversee spiritual life of his flock on medieval manor, administer sacraments, and absolve men and women for their sins for confession

5.2.2. Monasteries supplied Europe with the ideal of Christian civilization and produced and educated the elite that were utilized in service to lords and kings

5.2.3. Pope headed entire church

5.2.4. Bishops supervised priests and settled disputes over Church's teachings and practices

5.3. Rights

5.3.1. Church had authority over religious and political matters

5.3.2. Church created system of justice to guide people's conduct Everyone was subject to this law in the manner of marriage and religious practice Church created courts to try those accused of breaking this law Two harshest punishments excommunication and interdict