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Marketing plan por Mind Map: Marketing plan

1. My references

1.1. Email to Mario

1.2. Email to Lise

1.3. Email to project team with a little workd

1.4. Book lunch with Guy Martin

2. Marketing actions

2.1. Rewrite my resume

2.1.1. French

2.1.2. English

2.2. Update my linkedin profile

2.3. Build my Blog

3. New node

4. My network extension

4.1. My contacts list

4.1.1. Clean my contacts in Google

4.2. Add more Montreal Recruiter on Linkedin

4.3. Meet with Olivier Demers

4.4. Meet with Bruno collet

4.5. Call Chritine Houle for a short visit

4.6. Linkedin: Add the printed list of Montreal Recruiters

4.7. Twitter: add all the quebecors contacts to new french twitter profile

5. Opportunities

5.1. Current

5.1.1. Aeroplan / Teamlog

5.2. Future

5.3. Archived

5.3.1. Ordres des ingérinieurs/ Artefacts

5.3.2. Meloche/ Fx Innovation

6. Tools

6.1. Implement Google CRM Etlos

7. New node