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Virginia Woolf por Mind Map: Virginia Woolf

1. Books

1.1. The Voyage Out

1.2. Mrs Dalloway

1.3. To the Lighthouse

1.4. Orlando: A Biography

1.5. The Waves

1.6. Flush: A Biography

1.7. The Years

1.8. Between the Acts

2. Birth

2.1. 25 January 1882

3. Education

3.1. King's College London

3.1.1. Advanced Ancient Greek

3.1.2. Latin

3.1.3. German

3.1.4. English history

4. Mental Disorders

4.1. Bipolar disorder

4.2. Depression

4.3. Suicidal behavior

5. Death

5.1. 28 March 1941

5.1.1. Drowned herself