Goleman's Theory of Emotional Intelligence

Explore the comprehensive mindmap of Daniel Golemans theory of Emotional Intelligence (EI). It starts with an introduction, showcasing Golemans seminal concept that focuses on the role emotions play in decision making and social interactions. Delve into the multifaceted nature of EI, understanding it as a composite of several interrelated emotional and social skills. These are split into five key areas: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. Each of these are...

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Goleman's Theory of Emotional Intelligence por Mind Map: Goleman's Theory of Emotional  Intelligence

1. Definition

1.1. Understanding and managing own emotions

1.2. Understanding and influencing others' emotions

2. Five Components

2.1. Self-Awareness

2.1.1. Emotional awareness

2.1.2. Accurate self-assessment

2.1.3. Self-confidence

2.2. Self-Regulation

2.2.1. Self-control

2.2.2. Trustworthiness

2.2.3. Consciousness

2.2.4. Adaptability

2.2.5. Innovation

2.3. Motivation

2.3.1. Achievement drive

2.3.2. Commitment

2.3.3. Initiative

2.3.4. Optimism

2.4. Empathy

2.4.1. Understanding others

2.4.2. Developing others

2.4.3. Service orientation

2.4.4. Leveraging diversity

2.4.5. Political awareness

2.5. Social Skills

2.5.1. Influencing

2.5.2. Leadership

2.5.3. Communication

2.5.4. Managing conflict

2.5.5. Building bonds

3. Criticism and Debate

3.1. Lack of valid tests

3.2. Correlation with conventional intelligence

3.3. Overemphasis on business performance

4. Importance

4.1. Personal Development

4.1.1. Improved self-awareness

4.1.2. Enhanced self-regulation

4.1.3. Motivation

4.2. Professional Development

4.2.1. Collaborative Work Effective Communication Conflict Resolution

4.2.2. Leadership Empathy Influencing others

5. Development Techniques

5.1. Mindfulness

5.2. Coaching and Feedback

5.3. Learning from Experience