Occupational health and safety management system

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Occupational health and safety management system por Mind Map: Occupational health and safety management system

1. Occupational health and safety

1.1. Security

1.1.1. risk identification, evaluation and contro

1.2. Occupational health

1.2.1. Wellness, ergonomics and work stress programs

1.3. Safety policies

1.3.1. Clear, concise and communicated to all workers.

1.4. Occupational health and safety objectives

1.4.1. Measurable, achievable and time-relevant.

2. Emergencies and Accidents

2.1. Responsible for

2.1.1. Incident Investigation

2.1.2. Accident Reporting

2.1.3. Coordination and Participation

3. Coordination and Participation

3.1. Allows to identify opportunities for improvement, to be in constant communication and management with the ARL of the user companies.

4. Training and Education

4.1. involves

4.1.1. Induction, reinduction, Risk Prevention

5. Workers on assignment

5.1. Epidemiological surveillance and health monitoring should be applied in the work environment.

5.2. Service Company

5.2.1. Work together with the temporary company

5.3. User companies

5.3.1. must provide training and protection for all employees


6.1. Allows planning, implementation, evaluation and continuous improvement

6.2. annual work plan

6.2.1. objectives, activities, resources and responsibilities

6.3. continuous improvement

6.3.1. improvement opportunity to improve efficiency and effectiveness

6.4. regulatory compliance

6.4.1. laws and regulations to be applied

7. Risk prevention and management

7.1. Risk Prevention Hazard Identification Risk Assessment Risk Assessment Risk Management Preventive Actions Corrective Actions

7.1.1. Anticipation of hazards, classification, mitigation, prevention of accidents and illnesses, avoidance of recurrence of incidents or accidents.