Personality Concepts

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Personality Concepts por Mind Map: Personality Concepts

1. Carl Jung

1.1. The ego, the personal unconscious, the collective unconscious. Archetypes - shadow, anima/animus/, the self. the persona. Indivduation. Psychological types - thinking, feeling, sensation, intuition.

2. Sigmund Freud

2.1. Superego, id, ego

3. Alfred Adler

3.1. Striving for superiority - desire to overcome feelings of inferiority

4. Karen Horney

4.1. Basic anxiety - feelings of isolation and helplessness in a potentially hostile world. stems from lack of warmth and affection. Doesn't feel secure - learned helplessness

4.2. Neurotic needs that develop in response to basic anxiety

4.2.1. Compliance (moving towards people) - Seeking affection and approval, looking for a partner, and desiring power through association with others

4.2.2. Expansion/Aggression (Moving against people) - Striving for power, control, exploitation, social recognnition, personal admiration, and achievement

4.2.3. Detachment/withdrawl (Moving away from people) - Seeking self - sufficiency, perfection, and restricting life practices

4.3. Theory of the self

4.3.1. Horney thinks the real self (who we actually are) and the ideal self (who we think we should be) Neurosis occurs when these two ideals are far from each other